Chantelle Andercastle is a Business Mentor, Web Designer, and Creator of the ALIGNED ACTION framework. Since 2018, she has helped entrepreneurs find depth + direction in their biz so they can get past where they’re stuck or where they’ve settled. Chantelle’s zone of genius is teaching service-based solopreneurs put intention behind what they do in business to move forward faster and grow bigger than they thought was possible.
In today’s episode:
- Which changes Chantelle made after finding Human Design
- How she uses Human Design as a Business Mentor
- Which open center she has and how it helps her in her business
- How she leans into her 1/3 Manifesting Generator Energy
- The one rule she gives her clients
If you want to learn more about your Human Design chart, sign up for a session here:
You can find out more about Chantelle on Instagram:
I'm so excited today to be interviewing Chantelle. Chantelle is actually someone I met through my Human Design mentor. We're both in the same group with her learning how to use or align our business, I guess more with our Human Design.
Shantelle is a 1 - 3 manifesting generator. She is a business mentor, web designer and creator of the aligned action framework. Shantelle’s zone of genius is teaching service based solopreneurs how to put intention behind what they do in business to move forward faster, and grow bigger than they thought was possible.
Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the life you are meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share mindset tools, coaching conversations and Human Design to help you uncover your unique gifts and create the life relationships and business you desire. So welcome, Chantellel. I'm so excited to have you on the podcast.
Yes, me too.
1:05 Before we get started, I just want to talk about how we met or how are we connected?
We both joined the lab with new paradigm biz bestie. I joined in December, I'm not sure when you joined the program?
Were you one of the first wave too? I might have been a month earlier than you or something. So we're both studying human design.
Tiffany does business coaching with us through our human design, which I love. I'm curious why you joined? Why are you interested in Human Design? Or where did that come from? For you?
I've found I've been into human design for about three years now. I've explored it, through my line one, self study, definitely. All the blog posts all the things but I have really enjoyed learning Human Design from, directly one on one from from human design coaches. And even though I'm typically more of a researcher or a reader, for some reason, Human Design has been more of that, that direct one on one approach. So
, I came to this one. And do you find it because I'm in several groups, with other people who are also learning about human design and studying it, I find the conversation fascinating, and to learn how other people are experiencing it. I don't know, do you have that same thing? Or not?
Maybe not as much as you wouldn't in your line 4. But I definitely like to hear various perspectives on it, and not just not just get my information from one source. I do find, the more that I hear about other people's experiences with with human design that really opens up my mind to just how different each of us is and how unique we are, which then helps me in my own life and with my clients to
, because I find I learned so much not just from teachers or mentors who are teaching us about, but the people who are learning it alongside us who I have different profiles, different types. I have learned so much by being with manifestors, and projectors, and I'm a manifesting generator just like you.
So being with the other types and hearing their experience helps me with my clients,? Because t I'm not experiencing that type, or I'm not experiencing that personality profile, or that way of making decisions. Iit has helped me so much to just be in the world with other people. We're studying it together. Yes, it's such a fascinating conversation.
I have a few members of my team, who are just, starting their, their introduction to human design, and we actually discovered one of them has the same sun placement. So I'm 34.1 in this in the conscious sun, and she has an on her unconscious side that is the same one which is to me, it's rare. But it's been so interesting how we have attracted each other and connected right. I think that's the beauty of Human Design. There's always such fun in meeting someone else who has you have something in common with right Oh, I have that gate too or oh, it's the same profile or
it's really fun. Then to find out how you experience it? Because I'm a one, four, and there's only 2% of the population. That's a one, four. I help other coaches with their personality profiles. How do you use it in your marketing? Right? I feel like it's such an important tool for marketing.
I'm always curious.
So I can see the difference between you and I the one three versus the one four. I see that difference. It's very fascinating. We'll talk about that three, because it sounds to me like you've had a lot of experiences in your life. We were just talking before we got on, you have experience, that's what three is about, right? The line three about experiencing and coming up against a lot of things how has that been for you?
Definitely in life and in business. And before I knew about HD, I absolutely interpreted all of those things as failures. And I even thought about all of the activities that I did as a child, I had this narrative that I was not good at it, I was never good at anything, ? And, and after Human Design, I realized, well, okay, first of all, you're an mg. So you're meant to be passionate until you're not and then stop and move on. So that's Clue Number one. And then the line three is keep experimenting until you find what
feels good.
Right? And so that was, that was a huge revelation. And I run my business very much like a one, three, because I'm always reporting back to my audience, what I've discovered, and a lot of the things my content that does well is things what happened when I only posted reels for a week, or, here's, here's an inside look inside my mindset at my last business investment, because people are supposed to learn from my experience, right? I'm supposed to try the thing.
Going, I don't know if that's
gonna work. And then share my experience with the collective. So it's, that's a huge part of how I approach just about everything in my business.
I love that I always tell that to line three people, whether it's on the conscious or subconscious side, it's like you're here to kind of experience the thing for all of us, and then tell us which thing to go do. Right?
Right. And I've had clients to say, before I thought about trying new things in business, I dreaded it. I dreaded implementing new strategies and techniques, because I didn't believe they'd work. And I didn't know what I was doing. And now you've taught me that business is just a series of intentional acts, where you nurture your business, and you're in relationship with your business. And you can, if you try something, and it doesn't work, well, that's okay. It's not a disaster. It's just something that you've learned, and you can move on from it. And you can apply that next. Right. So that's really the mindset that I that I bring in that in that mentorship role is,
okay, well,
so you tried this new work? And, let's try something else. What do you wanna try next? And Brian?
Right. And that's interesting that you said you thought of it as failures. And because I can really relate to the manifesting generator part, right, where I used to think why can't I just focus on the one thing, right, I always thought, I'm a big failure in life, because I can't just focus, I have to, learn about this. And then all of a sudden, I'm interested in that thing. And then I'm taking 10 classes at the same time, right. It's like all the things that you have to do really?
Well. We look so flighty, I think
And now I just don't care. Now I just lean into what's most exciting and run with it.
So I know that was a big change that was so freeing to me as a manifesting generator to Oh, I remember the spirit feeling this big weight lifted off my shoulders, Oh my gosh, I can just follow my curiosity. And that's good, because that's what I'm here to do. I'm really, just I don't know, I just felt so much freedom. And I'm I don't care if I'm in the middle of five books at the same time. But I used to try to make myself stick to one book at a time and that didn't never work. Ever. I know and now do you find that you can't finish a book sometimes? you don't want to finish it, you've had enough of that one. I used to make myself finish all my books now sometimes I don't need to finish the book, I got enough and I can move on.
That used to even drive myself crazy.
I do. With books with podcasts even with a song, if I'm tired of listening to something I press Next, I don't need to, I need to sit in the uncomfortable. I always say,I'm very action oriented, I have a whole program based around action.
And it's, I think that, if you know, that you can make something better, you can improve your experience, why not do it? Right in the moment? why not take that, that opportunity to do that now. And, and so, I don't like to sit in the struggle, if I know that I have the agency to make a change. So that's, that's that permission giving to ourselves to say, okay, I'm putting that book away. And maybe I'll come back to it. Sometimes they come back to it a couple years later, and I have a different then I feel like, listening to the rest of it, or but I don't I don't force myself anymore to finish things. I don't force myself anymore to finish things in business either. You know, if, if I've tried something, if I've said, I'm going to try this strategy for three months, but two weeks before that ends, I'm what, I'm really done. Like me with clubhouse recently. I was I think I'm done. I need a break. And maybe I'll come back to it in a different way. But I'm gonna let it go. it'll be okay with letting go.
So you tried clubhouse? Did you try being a co host or host on clubhouse? Or did you just kind of join in the conversation? how did you use club a curious
I actually
only did co hosting? So I only had my own rooms and joined other panels. I didn't really spend a lot of time on it as a listener.
I didn't like jumping into other conversations midway, joining other people's room. . And I have a bit of a tendency to share my experience like a three right? And I don't think that's always appreciated. Room, right? Because they're trying to exert their own influence in their own way and share their own expertise. And so I don't I don't need to, that be that domineering voice in someone else's room. So, I would invite people to tacos with me, and I did a weekly room for just under three months, two weeks before I realized, okay, something needs to shift here. And so I cancelled my last two. And now I've taken a break from it. But I might go back, but I would go back with a new experiment and a different strategy.
, it's an interesting platform. And I had been doing clubhouse too. I was invited to be a co host with this one person. But it's an interesting experiment, clubhouses, it's kind of a mix. For me right now. I'm feeling a little mixed about it. But it is kind of right. Fascinating. But I was curious. So you, your experience, that's what you're here to share to write your experience. So I just wanted to help you share that experience of what was saying to you?
I really resonated with the manifesting generator thing you talked about to where we, tending to feel like we have to focus and I think we might have just talked about this, but I just want to bring it back around for a second. Where we might not finish things, but it's not it's even in a business coaching kind of way. People want to tell you focus on one thing, focus on one client focus on one, right and you, you're not successful, because you're not focusing but I don't know if you've experienced this, what I've experienced is when I try to only put all my effort into one thing, and really focus hard. What happens is I literally get bored and I shut down my energy, right?
I almost shut down my creativity. Because I'm not allowing myself to go do this. It's almost like you're constantly shaming yours. No, I know, you're interested in that. But you're not allowed to go do that. Right. You know what I mean? Right? And so just freeing myself from that, right? That quote rule that every time it's like to be successful, you need to just focus. Sometimes you just need to not focus on one thing, right or focus on something else. You can jump to something else and go do that for a while, right? And come back, I feel like there needs to be and I heard somebody say this one time that as manifesting generators, you might be working on five projects at one time now, maybe only two of them will be successful or will bear fruit. But the reason you have to do the other three is to use up your energy. it's important to keep that. For me, that rings so true.
It feels great, it feels really, really good. So tell me what, okay, so we talked about you starting Human Design three years ago, but what, what was happening in your life, when you came into? or What had you gone through that brought you to this self? Because I didn't say Human Design, a self growth tool, it's like, allowing, expanding, right? So something happened that you went searching for something, right? That's what I know happens for me.
, yes. I
am. I was just in the middle of a, I was in the middle of a breakup. And I was also in the middle of launching the business that I have now. So I had been in. I've been teaching yoga for a couple of years. And I was really trying hard a lot of effort to get that business up off the ground. And I, at that time, was going to a lot of events. And I would get a lot of clients through networking. And I did as a line one, I went to all of the workshops, and did all of the learning. And I was actually in line for a podcast taping a live podcast recording when someone said, Hey, have you heard about human design? Just this girl in line that I met? And I thought, No, and that sounds really strange.
I wasn't interested at all. And about a month later, I started digging into it more as a line one would, and I went, Okay, okay, it's a little bit interesting. I can see how this might have some merit. and this is fascinating. Actually, I was, I was on my first work remote trip,
about a month after
I learned about human design. And so I was living in this in a new city. And I was there for six weeks. And I didn't know anybody. And I was just living, working, meeting people trying to grow my business. Well, both businesses at the time. And I just decided,
Okay, oh, I'll invest a little bit of money into learning about this. And I bought a couple of audios from someone I don't even remember. And I still have the notebook with pages and pages and pages of notes that I took about human design. And I just thought, Okay, this, this changes the game, though. And really quickly afterwards, I made a lot of changes in my life, I moved again, and I dropped the yoga business altogether to focus on the current mentorship and web design business that I have now. And I just made a lot of shifts, in my mindset, really quickly, after learning HD,
What happened through human design that helped you shift from yoga to web design? what was that?
I was already a bit into the web design I had made. For my yoga business, I'd created my own website, and I'd done my own branding. And I really loved that creative aspect of it. And I would get lots of compliments on my branding, and on my site and increase, but I just was struggling to make ends meet with the yoga business. And so I had both concurrently for about nine months.
And neither was making a ton of money at the time. so there was plenty of time to work on both, right. because it wasn't taken up with clients. And so there was a lot of a lot of room to learn, and an experiment and all of that. And so, I think it was maybe a month or two months after we were human design that I that I quit the business and just focus, put myself full in on on the web design, because I knew that the project element of it was going to be attractive where I could, turn around a project and wrap a project in a short amount of time and then move on to another client who did something completely different.
And that was very intriguing to my newly discovered design, because I knew, well, how can I get bored? Because every two to three weeks, I'd have someone brand new and launch myself into that world. So I'd, I'd learned about weaving for two weeks, and then I'd do athletic therapy for two weeks and what I do, right, and so totally.
And so I threw myself into that, that novelty aspect. And, and that kind of experimentation, mg,
with, with the human or with the website. That's what's so amazing. I think about and after this, I want to talk about what your current business is about. But I think that's what's so amazing about human design as a tool for people. It's what can I align more, right? And how can I give myself even more permission to really be me? And to even do the work that I really love to do? And somehow there's this big permission slip in there that says, I mean, there could be something you've been thinking about for a long time? And it's
No, I can't do all the whatever conditioning and the beliefs about it, and when you open yourself up to but wait a minute, my Human Design says this, and Oh, right, it kind of aligns. I love that. I love love. Love that. And I think it's just such an amazing thing. So tell us what do you do? Now? You said you use Human Design a little bit in your business? I'm curious about that. what do you do for your clients now?
So I work with clients, one on one still, as a web designer, and also as a business mentor. So sort of in that coaching strategy kind of role, where I help, I help a lot of beginner business owners get, get an intentional plan laid out, so they know what they're doing and why they're doing it. But I also help kind of middle entrepreneurs who feel like they've skipped a couple of steps. So they may have reached a certain point of success, but there's something holding them back. And I really use my I only have one undefined center, I only have the solar plexus and a lot of Energy,
I do. And
I can really feel, just from a zoom call, right? I was gonna say across the table, but of course, it's a little different, but I can feel from them, oh, they've just said a word. They said the same word, two or three times now? Well, that's interesting, I pick up on these little cues based on their emotions, right? They give me these little hints towards the truth. And, and I'm the person who pushes back and says, Well, hey, you've said this three times, Is there something to that, what's deeper there, and I help them get, get clarity, things that maybe were unconscious for them before, all of a sudden, we're bringing that truth to light. And so that's how I use my own human design, certainly in client work, but then, also, I'm starting to, collect birth information before, before I start working with someone new, and just, familiarize myself with their chart. For the purpose of let's build your business your way. It's not,
I'm a business mentor, not
a business coach, I, I don't need them to follow my way. Because my way is really circuitous. Very, very personalized to me. . And, and I wouldn't, I wouldn't lay out the same steps in the same order for someone else. But I like to look at someone's chart because it gives me a little bit of insight into what strategies might you be good at, based on this, what might be a really good fit that you're excited about that you're, willing to put a lot of energy and effort into what is actually aligned for you so that you can take action from that place. And then forget the rest. I don't care who told you to post, seven times, you don't have to do the only thing you have to do in business is what is right for you.
You know, all those rules, right? The business rules about how you have to do things. I had to come, I had to decondition myself from a lot of that, right? I had made this thick manual for myself of Okay, this is what everybody this is how these spirit people do it right. And then it's we're so individual, all of us are unique. What if we just follow our own rules? Wouldn't that be amazing? And that's what's great about human design, right? You can help you look at what are your own rules? I just love that you can, it can lead you to your own way of doing things. That's amazing. I love that you do that with your clients. So tell us if people are interested in finding you or finding out what you do, oh, and also tell us about your new podcast that's coming before we get to this part about where they can find you as your new podcast, okay?
Well, the podcast is still in the concept stage, but it's launching in June, and my team and I are very excited about it. It's going to be multifaceted, which makes sense as an mg, it's going to have a couple of different sort of segments. But the overall goal is to incorporate a little bit of experience of storytelling ideas and possibilities. And, and to show different ways.
So we're thinking of all sorts of different concepts of, maybe we do six episodes in a row of, Instagram six different ways, or trying to incorporate that individuation into it, instead of this is the way and this is what you have to do. And then also just weaving in a little bit of the more intentional practices into business.
So I like to, even though even if I never do, I never know if something is going to succeed ahead of time. But I like to have laid out some sort of a blueprint or strategy ahead of time for myself to know, okay, if I'm going to do this, why am I doing this? And how am I going to do it? And what do I need around doing that?
And what's my plan, right, before I launch myself into something, I want to have some sort of intention about it, to make sure that my intentions are good, and that they align with my values. And so, the podcast is going to weave those different intentional practices in with visualization, meditation, affirmations, and how that can help you lead to your own truth in your business. And, and help you to create a business that really means something to you. That's meaningful, purposeful, intentional.
Amazing. That sounds like a great podcast, I'm gonna look for it. Wow, yay. So thank you for joining us. So before we go, tell us where people could find you if they're interested in learning more about your program.
For sure, so I'm at clear quartz creative on Instagram. And that's, that's my main platform where I hang out the most. And that's, that's where you'll find any announcements about my services and the upcoming podcast.
Awesome. Thank you so much for joining me today. shantelle. It was super fun. Thanks, Rebecca.
I loved it.
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, please go subscribe so that you get notified of all the future goodies that are coming along. While you're there. Please leave me a review and let me know what you think. So excited to share this with you and can't wait to talk to you next time. Bye.