Grab your free human design chart at and find the first number in your personality profile to listen along.

Today I'll talk about the Mind side of your personality profile and what it means about the way you are designed to show up energetically in the world.

You'll learn:

  • What each number means about a person
  • How we are each different in the way we show up to help the collective
  • What this means about your Life's Work

I will be sharing my BLOOMED program in the next several months.

In the meantime, if you are interested in having your Human Design chart explained to you in a way that can help you in your life, business, and/ or relationships, I am offering sessions at this link:

Listen in next week as I cover the 2nd number, the BODY side of your Personality Profile.

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Hi, and welcome today. I am going to talk with you about one of my favorite topics in human design and it's the personality profile. So if this is something that you have wondered what it means more for you or what it means about your business, how it can help you in your life or relationships, stay tuned and I will talk with you about what your personality profile light means.

Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the life you're meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share mindset tools, coaching conversations, and human design, to help you uncover your unique gifts and create the life, relationships and business you desire.

Hi guys, I'm letting you in on a research project that I have been part of, my own research project let's just say, and when you understand what the line one is, maybe you will understand more about this. But I am a line one. And I'm going to tell you what that means today. But I also will tell you what all the lines mean. So in my own way, I have been researching and thinking about and pondering what the line profile, the personality profile means for my clients. I have had so many mentors and teachers, I've read so many books, I have taken classes in the last year and almost year and a half now, it feels like it's getting to be a year and a half pretty soon. And I've really been studying how do we integrate human design into our life? And one of the things I feel like is at the top of that is how we can really integrate the lines and the way that we show up in the world.

So if you're looking at your human design chart, by the way, if you haven't gotten it yet, you can go and get a free chart at And it's totally free. You just need your birth information to get that. When you get that chart, you can see at there will be some basic information they give you on the chart and one of those is called your personality profile. Your personality profile is made up of two numbers. So it looks like a fraction. So I'm a 1/4. That means that my first line is a one then there's a / and then there's a four and that makes up my personality profile. So today I want to talk to you about, well, I just told you where to find it. So what does it show you? How can it help you?

How does it pertain to business? I assume so many of you that listen, probably have some kind of business. How it pertains to relationships and how it pertains to self care. Those are just kind of the main topics that I want to talk about today. So I am, like I said, I'm putting together this especially because I work with a lot of coaches and they want to know how can they market themselves better in their business. So really, how do we embody our personality profile and how can we use the strength of a personality profile to show up as our best selves, to show up in the way that we were designed to be, because what of course with anything in life, we have these gifts, and talents and ways of being, and what happens is we get resistance or we get stuck in the shadow of that way.

So I want to talk about the gifts of the lines. And I also want to talk about what possibly could be some shadows that maybe, you're looking at your line, you're not realizing what that means. And maybe some ways that we can work to overcome that. And this is just a really overview introduction, I think, to what I'm creating in my course, which is going to be about how to use your personality profile in your life and in your business. So what I want to focus on today is the first line. So yes, there are 12 personality profiles. If I say I'm a 1/4, there's 1/3s, 4/6s, 5/2s, there's all the different combinations. So there's six lines. And if you put them together, they make up 12 different combinations.

I'm not going to cover the 12 combinations today. I am just going to focus on the first line in your profile. So it's either a one, two, three, four, five or six. And that line pertains to your life's work because that line shows up in your personality sun. So if you know anything about astrology, for instance, like I'm a Gemini. So Gemini is my sun sign. So we can look at what line is in your sun in human design that goes along with the Gemini sun sign. That's what I'm talking about today. So for this particular discussion, look at what your first line is. And as I go through the lines, then you can maybe focus on that and what does it mean for you? If you know your family's lines, that's kind of fascinating too because you can see how it is that they show up and maybe it might explain a couple things for you.

And I'm not intending this to be a deep dive today. I don't intend that you'll know everything you need to know about all of it. I just love to have this intro conversation and see what it brings up for you. So I'm going to start with line one and I'm going to go to line six. We'll just go in order. It makes a lot of sense. And I am talking about the lines from the perspective of things I learned directly from [inaudible 00:06:01], his book. I'm talking about it from things I've learned about it in the Gene Keys, which is from Richard Rudd's book. I am talking about it from the perspective of several different mentors, and human design coaches and groups that I'm still in. I'm currently studying my own lines in my chart. And this is where my perspective is coming from.

And I'm thinking of it in the way that makes sense for me in order to help my clients. So if we start with the line one, the creator is the archetype that Richard Rudd gives this line in the Gene Keys. So really the line one creator, I'm going to talk about those archetypes from the Gene Keys because I find them kind of interesting if we think about your life's work. What are you here to do? Or what are you here to experience? And where are you here to lead? So line one, I am a line one and there are a lot of line ones. Line ones are here to be self-empowered and to create. They're here to express something from the depths of their soul. I've read that somewhere in the Gene Keys, I wrote it on a big paper on my wall.

So I could remember that, that I'm here to really develop something and create something that helps others. So I want to talk in each of the lines about how you're here to help the collective, how you're here to help the community because we're each here in a different way. So line one creators are here to be a resource because they are also the people that tend to dive deep. When I found out I was a line one, it totally made sense to me that, yes, no wonder I'm so curious about all the details of the things. If something really peaks my curiosity, well, human design is a perfect example. I think I now have at least 20 books. I have two card decks and I'm in several classes and I've hired coaches and done multiple readings with people. And it's just super fascinating to me.

So line ones are here to kind of deep dive into build their knowledge and build this foundation of the knowledge. This is important for us. If you're thinking of a house, [inaudible 00:08:23] talked about it like this house. So line ones would be in the basement building the foundation. We actually like to research things to feel safe. We don't feel safe, I don't feel safe as a teacher of human design, as a person who helps clients with human design, I don't feel safe talking about it with you until I've done plenty of my own research. So one of the needs, let's just talk about self care for line ones, one of the needs for line ones is to have plenty of reflection time and plenty of time to think about how the things they're learning, how does it work for them?

It's a self exploration line ones are here to explore themselves. So how does it pertain to business? I use line one, one of my teachers told me that I am here to be a resource and a teacher for other people. So she said, "When you're doing your research, share it with others. That's what you're here to do when you feel comfortable that you understand enough about it, share it with others." So that's my role in the community. How it pertains to relationships? What I know about this is I need to give plenty of time to myself to research. I have time every single day. I'm usually listening to podcasts, or watching YouTube videos or reading books. I have plenty of time in my schedule on a weekly basis to do my research, to explore more, to think about how it works for me.

And I've also learned in relationship to inform my husband when that time is that I really do want this alone time. I really need this alone time right now so I can't ake this class or I'll tell him which classes I meant. I'll tell him, "I have this time in the morning for reading time." There's these times I need as a line one that are all to myself. Okay. So let's move to the line two. Line two, Richard Rudd called this the dancer. There's a passion and there's relationships. And the line too is it's interesting. I know a lot of line twos. My husband is aligned two. I have a lot of friends, and life coach colleagues, and clients and Oprah is a line two. I know a lot of line twos. And what's great about line twos is they have some natural gifts and some natural talents. But what happens is they have this need, and there's this energy, there can be a Hermit energy.

We've heard that term. I don't necessarily use those traditional human design terms sometimes. But what that means the Hermit energy is that line twos might feel the need to be alone. Not that they don't like people, but they just have this need. And the reason they have this need, and this is the self-care part, line twos need to have time alone to nurture their natural gifts. [inaudible 00:11:42] is they almost need to get called out or noticed for their gifts. So they're kind of even shy maybe about sharing their gifts. But they're here to dance with life. They're here to be in relationship with others. Maybe they're here to be in a partnership if you think of the number two people, they're here to work with other people and share their gifts, their natural gifts. So I would say, as it pertains to business, if line twos could really embrace the fact that they do have... In fact, line twos might have been told by other people like, "Hey, you're really good at that thing."

And the line two might be like, "Oh." It might be interesting to them that somebody thought that they could actually make money with that thing or they could share that thing because to the line too it might just feel like, "Well, that's so easy. Why would anybody pay me for that?" So that's the business thing, the relationship thing, just knowing as a line two, if you're a line two that you really do need to build in time for yourself. Make sure you tell your partner, or your family or whoever, just let them know in kind of the same way as a line one. But line ones and the line twos are different in this respect. Line twos, that alone time is really a nurturing yourself time. It's not necessarily needed for deep exploration of something, although that could be it, but there's a difference there as to why the line ones want alone time versus the line twos.

So let's move on to line three line. Threes are changers. Richard Rudd called this the changer. And I love the energy, experience, scientist. There's a lot of words to use for line threes. Line threes are really here to try things out. So they're here to experience the knowledge. If the first number is line three in your profile, you're really here to move through these experiences in life. In fact, things will just bump into you and you'll learn a lot from those experiences. And what can happen with line threes is that they can feel like judging themselves about these things. They can feel like a failure. So it's very important for line threes, notice that failure. You're not a failure. You're just here to experience life. And also what's great for line threes to do with their business is to then share those experiences.

People are naturally drawn to line threes to tell them like, "Hey, what was working for you?" Line threes are here to tell us what's working, what's not working, to share their journey behind the scenes of what's happening. Line threes have dynamic lives. They like to experiment. They might change things just to see what happens. Think of them as the scientists. So there's a lot of energy. They understand life through trying things and that's very important. So I think if you know this about yourself, you have a line three in your first line of your profile. It's important to, if you think other people are judging you even about the failures or the mistakes, it's important to rewrite that story for yourself and people you're in relationship with. Like this is just how I'm learning.

This is how I'm expressing. This is how I'm really diving into my gifts so I can share them with the community. So then line four is the server and it's about love and community. And the line four has a deep need for connection and nurturing in relationships. So the line four has a lot of things about the heart space and about trust. The line four craves stability, here's the other thing. The line four really crave stability. So the line four may have a hard time leaving something before they have some backup plans. They may have a hard time dropping a relationship or leaving a job if they don't know what's next. And in the early part of their lives, line four is probably need a lot of support in that area. So of you're a line four, make sure you have support in knowing what the next thing is because we all have bigger visions for ourselves in our lives. And we want to change.

I know I've heard many in line fours who want to leave their jobs and they're having a really hard time with that. They're just so uncertain about what's next. I would say, just get some support for that. That's the thing line fours need to do is have support and community. Line fours are very friendly people. They're very people oriented people. They have a lot of love, and compassion and nurturing to give. So the line four in your business, you're here to connect with a community of people. You're going to be really influential with a small group of people. But I want to let you know, it's people you really connect with. Okay? You're not here to just send a message out into a big space where you don't know the people. You're really influential with just the people around you.

So it's important to network and it's important to nurture relationships. It's important to have friendships. Line fours really do need that. And also make sure that you are connecting with people on a regular basis. You belong to communities that you feel good in. If you don't, if you're in big community where you don't feel like you know anybody, that's probably a place that's missing for you. You need a community where you feel like you know other people where you've been invited in by somebody that you trust and you deeply connect with. So I would say that for the line four. Line five, fixer. This is a really powerful line. Line fives have a lot of power and they also have this visionary leader thing going on. So I usually tell my line fives that, "You're here to provide a simple solution. What is your simple solution?

You're here to share that with the world." Line fives can see things in an interesting way and they just don't want the BS. They just want to get down to the simple solution of it and tell us what that is. What happens with linen fives, the shadowy part can be that they feel like projected upon. So people will automatically see line fives. I've had this happen. My clients tell me this. So one woman told me that, "It's so interesting that you say that because whenever I'm in an airport, I don't even speak the language of these people sometimes and they all come up to me and ask me directions for where to go. Somehow they think I know where to go. And it happens to me all the time." And I said, "Yes, that is a perfect example of a line five thing."

There's something about line five's energy that people look at them like the leader. They're, "Oh, they're the one that knows the answers. They're the one that can solve the problems." And line fives need to also be very careful about what kind of people they're around. Are the people they're around authentic? Are the people who are there around living authentically because line fives can help solve problems and provide a simple solution. But when they're asked to solve problems that really aren't in alignment for them, I guess there's a thing, line fives need to have some boundaries. It's good to know. You need to have boundaries. You need to kind of stay in your lane. You need to know and be really settled using of course, other parts of your human design. But need to be settled about who you are, what you're here to do, and just feel real confident in that.

So actually I wanted to cover, how does that pertain to business? I think I really kind of covered it. But line fives really, the self-care is boundaries because sometimes you can feel really misunderstood. You might feel like other people are looking to you for answers that you can't provide. That is really common and that's okay. So just knowing in relationships that that can cause some sort of a disturbance occasionally. How it pertains to business line fives, just share your simple solutions. Like you're here. If it's the one you know, you're here to share. What is that? Just step up into your power. Don't feel held back. I don't know why sometimes line fives get really quiet or they've quieted their own voice. They're not seeing results because in my opinion, they're not stepping into their power. Okay. And then the last one is line six and Richard Rudd calls line six the teacher. The line sixes are here to be a role model, influencer, really to be. Line six is about being.

It's like when you get to line six, you see all the other lines and you kind of see something that might be missing. You're looking at the future of it. You're looking at this vision that you have for the future. Think of Tony Robbins as a six too. He always has this... If you see what his life was like, he was on stage. He was on big stages. Line sixes have this big vision to share and it's to share with a big group of people. You're here to pass that along. And line sixes can really help other people through sharing their vision. I think of this as a circular way the knowledge gets passed around because line sixes when they share their big vision, we can start back with line one who takes that vision, who sees it and who starts the research to build the foundation of this new vision and to pass it along in their way so that the other lines can see that and they're sharing in their communities, or they're natural being with it, or they're experimenting of it, or they're providing simple solutions of it.

Now it depends on what phase of life you're in. Line six is the only one that has three phases of life. In the first 30 years you're really here like line three. So when I said line three is about being an experimenter and a scientist. That's exactly what the line six is going to probably experience also in their first 30 years. Between the age of 30 and 50, you're here to kind of, we call it, I guess, up on the roof. I just think of Tony Robbins being up on that big stage. I think that was his roof. He was up on this huge stage in front of a lot of people. And to share that all the things you've experienced, what you see, how people can be, what we can do to be better, that kind of thing. That's what the line six does.

And then after the age of 50, you're here to be just being, you're here to be a role model. You're here to be authentic, and natural and you really influence other people by being yourself. So that's what I would say about all the lines. There's so much more to discuss and I will have definitely more coming online. It's definitely going to be in my bloomed program. Definitely, we're going to discuss personality as a big part of your design. And today we only talked about the first line of your personality profile. I am super excited to get this information to you, and I hope it was helpful. DM me on Facebook or Instagram. Let me know what your personality profile is, if you got anything from this, or how it does show up in your life or how you might be avoiding truly living into your personality line. I'd love to hear it. So next week on the podcast stay tuned because I am going to be covering the lines in the second position of your personality profile.

If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, please go subscribe so that you get notified of all the future goodies that are coming along. While you're there, please leave me a review and let me know what you think. So excited to share this with you and can't wait to talk to you next time. Bye.