Inner Voice work gives you the opportunity to put your mind at rest and tune into your body. Patricia Cimino is a Midwife for your Midlife. She is on a mission to help midlife individuals birth and launch their next best chapter.

Listen to today's episode to find out:

  • What inner voice means
  • How Patricia turned a passion project into a business
  • The emotional wave and decision making and how it relates to inner voice

Whether she is speaking to a group of hundreds or coaching one on one, Patricia utilizes her unique approach steeped in neuroscience, positive psychology and eastern philosophies to create game changing results personally and professionally.

You can learn more about Patricia and her work at

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Today, I'm excited to have my friend and client Patricia Cimino on the
podcast as a guest. This seems like a perfect time to have her on because
she talks about midlife stuff with her clients. And mid-life for me has
been about a new chapter, a new book in my life, new opportunities to
create. And the one thing I'm celebrating today is that my husband has
finally gone back to his office to work. It has been since April of 2020,
that his office has been closed and he has not been able to work. And he
has been at home with me for this whole time to work. And what I really
learned about myself during this time that he's been home is that I do so
much better in my business creatively when I have alone space, when I don't
have other people in my energetic aura, especially family or friends.


So I am kind of celebrating this new chapter that I'm entering into now,
where I feel like there's so many things that I want to create, and maybe
they've just been kind of hibernating until and waiting for the right
timing. And now I feel like the right timing has come about. So this is
just one of the midlife crises that I have faced in the past a year and a
half or so, but I am looking forward to this new chapter I'm in. And I'm
excited to share today's guest with you.


Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break
you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the
life you're meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share
mindset tools, coaching conversations, and human design, to help you
uncover your unique gifts and create the life, relationships and business
you desire.


Patricia Cimino is a midwife for your midlife. She is on a mission to help
mid-life individuals birth and launch their best next chapter. She's
passionate about empowering her audiences and clients to follow their own
internal roadmap to success. Hi Patty.




Welcome to the podcast.


Thank you so much for having me.


Super fun that you're here. So before we get started, I just want to tell
the listeners how we met. How did you meet me? Like where did we start
working together?


Yeah, we met, I think through our school, our training school, our coach
training school, life coach school. And I think we were in a few different
groups together. And then when you started to do your human design, I grew
very intrigued and I took a couple of your workshops. And then I worked
with you privately and I took your retreat. Now I'm working with you again
with the Bloomed program. So it's been really a fun adventure.


It is. I love clients like you who are just like, I want more. I'm like,
okay, what else can I give you now? Yeah. So I just... Yes. I feel like
I've just gotten to know you so well over the past. What has it been six
months? I don't know whatever it is. So you're such a joy to work with.


Well thank you, so are you.


You manifester you. Just want to say my clients who are listening who hear
me talk about human design a lot. You're one of my manifester clients and I
love manifesters. I don't know why they're attracted to me, but they are.
So that's great. So as we were talking before the program, I heard you tell
me this interesting story. And I'm like, don't tell me all of it, because
that is so fascinating. And because my podcast is about blooming, it's like
transformational stories and you had the very fascinating job, career or
not even career. It was an entrepreneurial endeavor, a passion project.
What was that about? When did that start or what was it?




Tell me, I'm curious.


So my background is in sales and marketing. And when I began in my family,
I took some time off. And when I was just shy of my 43rd birthday, I had my
third child, my third son, and we were all super excited to have him, but
what happened afterwards was something I didn't expect. And that was that I
had like the worst case of postpartum depression that I ever experienced.
And it went on for a pretty long time. And my husband got concerned about
my wellbeing. And so in an effort to help me through it, I joined him on a
trip that took me far away from my life as a mom of three boys. And it was
really more for me to just connect with myself and maybe have some time
away from that day to day to get through what I was going through.


But what ended up happening was that I ended up meeting a village of kids
that were living in poverty. And I knew that I really wanted to do
something for these kids because they really touched me. And all I could
think about where my kids back home, who were in a clean house with food in
the refrigerator. And these kids were coming to a food bank to eat every
day, otherwise they wouldn't eat. And so I knew I wanted to do something
for them. So when I came back home, I sent an email out to everybody I
knew. And I was like, I'm going to have this big charity event. It was
going to be a big charity garage sale. And I donate whatever you want. I'm
going to take the money back to these kids. I didn't want to just send the
money back.


I wanted to actually bring the money back there. So with the help of my
community and my network, we raised quite a substantial amount of money.
And like I said, I didn't want to just send it. I wanted take the cash and
I wanted to take it back there to them. And that's what I ended up doing.
And when I got there, I scoured the city and purchased shoes and underwear
and socks for a hundred kids that came to this food bank to eat every
single day. And it was just an unbelievable experience. And when I was
leaving, I spotted a handbag and you women and handbags, right? So I picked
it up, I brought it back home and people started asking me, where did you
get that bag? Where'd you get that bag? And I was like, thinking, okay, so
many people have asked me where I got this bag, I'm going to import the


And then I'm going to continue this philanthropy and donate a portion of
these profits to buy books, to help empower these kids. So that's what I
set out to do. And I ended up building a library of books in that village
that I was in, and then a library of books for a school in Chicago. And it
was a really cool... It was a great journey and long story short, after
four years, I decided to close the business and I knew it came to a perfect
close because when I announced to all of my stores, so I had it in 33
stores across the country, in the U.S.




When we announced that I was going to close, my stores completely bought
every single handbag. I had nothing left. So I knew that it came to a
beautiful end and it was a great adventure. It was then after that that I
opened up my... I went into coaching.


Yeah. So what inspired you to close the store?


What happened was I found myself traveling a lot and my husband traveled a
lot. And at that point I just looked at where things were at and I knew
that I needed to make a... I wanted to make a decision. So in that moment,
I decided that either I could get investors and go really big, or I can
close it. And I decided to close it and I felt really great about that
decision. It was the perfect endeavor and it was the perfect business and
it came to a perfect close.


Yeah. And so what made you want to go into coaching, of all things
coaching? I will say that. Of all things, why coaching?


There was a few things because I realized that during that journey, I
realized the power of having a coach. I did have a coach that I had worked
with in the very beginning and then sporadically, but I realized how
important it is to have that support, because when you're starting a
business, when you're doing an entrepreneurial anything, it is the best
course in personal development. And it's super important to have support
around you to keep your head out of the gutter. Right? Yeah.




Yeah and so personal development was always something that I've been
fascinated with. As a matter of fact, when I was fresh out of college, I
was really introduced to personal development with Dale Carnegie, my first
sales job, they sent me to Dale Carnegie and I loved it. I couldn't get
enough of it.


It's always been a part of my life more as like a personal growth junkie.
And then I started to like learn more and more about different strategies
and tools and start to implement them. So just not consume it, but actually
put it into practice. And I saw my life change. I saw a lot of things
change for me. That told me I need to help other people because these tools
are available for anyone. And shortly after I certified as a coach, I also
certified as a hot yoga instructor. And so there was a big component of
this mind, body awareness piece that really, I thought there was something
there to that, right? Your body is so intelligent. And I figured that out
for myself on the mat. With coaching now, I help people through those
stumbling blocks of the mental and emotional hurdles.


But I also do work with a modality called inner voice. I'm an inner voice
facilitator and inner voice.


What's that?


I love it. Inner voice really is a... It's a beautiful tool to help people
put their mind to rest and to tune into their heart, to tune into what they
really want. There's so much noise going on in our mind from our own
thoughts. And then from the world, there's just a lot of noise. And it
oftentimes what's sitting at our heart center, gets covered up, right? It
gets covered up and you can't hear it. And I knew that when I was in my
yoga journey, that that awareness to body was, there was something so
important there. And when I learned the mindset tools, I realized that I
kept feeling like there's something that's missing and what's missing is
this piece of like, you first need to be able to hear what your heart is
saying, what your desire is. From that place that doesn't judge you or
discriminate that ever loving place that's within you.


And so I take my clients through a process where they actually talk from
their inner voice and they hear what it has to say. Some people call it
your intuition, your inner wisdom, your internal guidance system. There are
different words for it, but it's a beautiful process. And it's always going
to lead you to your truth and then using mindsets strategy or mindset tools
to help you with the, maybe I'll say, self doubt that might come up from
what your heart is telling you to do, right? Or fear that's coming up from
what your heart is telling you do. So if we can use those strategies to be
in alignment with what your inner voice is saying, it's an unbelievable
experience. And I'm just going to say, it blows the doors off of what you
can accomplish truthfully.


Yes. That's amazing. So I love that talking about what you really truly
desire. Because when I learned from one of my coaches, that desire actually
means of spirit. I was like, oh, so if things that we really want, they're
not wrong, but it's so funny. Right? How we... I've experienced this where
I'm like, oh, I'm not allowed to want that. Oh, I'm not allowed to want
that. I don't know if you experienced that too, but it's just shutting down
really our spiritual journey. Right.


And if you desire something, then there is a vision for it because you
desired it. So you've already seen it.


Yeah. It's like passion stuff, right? It's like, what am I passionate
about? Why am I interested in that? For me, it was human design. Why am I
interested in human design? And why does it keep coming back? Right. It
just keeps coming. I'm like, okay, let's just follow that thread. So it's
that kind of stuff. Instead of judging it, it's like, let's be curious and
go find out why, why do we want that?


Or ignoring?


Right. Ignoring it. Yeah. That's probably another issue.


That's a huge issue. Right.


Yeah. Yeah.


And so many times, even with myself, I'll hear something, but I'll go, I've
been trained to go the opposite direction. Right. So it's like, no, let's
go back to this. And this always feels right. It always feels right.


Yeah. Yeah. So if people could learn to just allow themselves to be in
touch more with themselves, right. Like be in touch with their own inner
child or the, oh, well, even all [crosstalk 00:13:47] Yes. All of these
terms, right. The wisdom, intuition, what does your inner child want? It's
all the stuff. Right. So how, I'm just curious, why did you choose life
coaching? Why did you choose the life coach school? Or how did that come
into your life?


Yeah. Yeah. So how it came into my life was when I was trying to figure out
what was next. After I closed the business, I started looking into coaching
and I was reading a lot of Dr. Martha Beck, who I absolutely love, and I
was going to go through her training. And then I stumbled on to Brooke and
her work with mindset. And I knew that over the years that I had struggled
with self-sabotage maybe, or just negative self-talk. And I thought this is
what I really want to hone in on. And so that's when I made the switch and
then I actually got certified a long, long time ago, so...


Oh yeah, that's right. You're one of the oldie, but goodie certifications.
Well, we don't have to say how old your certification is, but yeah. That's


The motto's still the motto.


Yeah. It's been going since however long. It's still here. So how did you
stumble across human design? Was it in the life coach school group or was
it somewhere else? How did human design find you?


It was through you, for sure. I'm trying to remember if it was, I don't


You might've come from another coach.


I don't remember either.


I think it was you that, yeah. I don't know exactly.


Some post I made probably about it. Yeah. So, tell me what human design
taught you about yourself. What are some of the big takeaways you've had so
far? Because I know you're still really learning as am I as what y'all are.


I'm a total beginner newbie. But the big thing is that this piece of that I
am a manifester and I know that about myself. I love to initiate, but I
want to make sure that I know what I'm initiating before I initiate. Once,
if I've got something I'm going to get out there, just like this charity
event that I threw. Then the handbags that right. And then getting into
coaching, really talking about the tools and strategies, how to thrive in
life. And so when I have something to say, something that I want to share,
I have no problem from [inaudible 00:16:20] right. So that was really good
for me to know that about myself, because there's some days where I'm human
and my inspiration is low. Right. And I'm like, questioning, why am I not
speaking or saying? It's because I don't have anything to inform or anyone
to inform anybody anything on.


Right. So I need to like have that learning learned and then be able to
share it. And so that was so good for me to know. And then the other thing
is just that I'm a emotional solar plexus, which you shared with me, I do
not make my decisions immediately like ride out the wave of emotion. And I
cannot tell you how unbelievably helpful that has been, because I know in
the past, I'd make decisions really quick. And then I'd go and like second,
guess myself, and question, why I did that and now I've eliminated all that
stress. And the times that I did take my time and ride out the emotional
wave, I've made the best decisions ever.


Yeah. Because your initial poll towards whatever that is, might be correct,
but it might not be. To write that emotional wave it's like today, my
decision would say this, but how about tomorrow when I'm in a different
part of my emotional wave, would my decision still be the same? That's the
idea behind riding out your emotional wave. You and I have in common and
it's very hard sometimes for us inpatient people to ride out or emotional
wave, but it's been a practice for me too, as a practice. And I love that
you talked about that because I think that 50% of the population has
emotional authority, right? Emotional waves. So it's great for all of us to
remind ourselves, Hey, not everybody is quick decision makers and the rest
of us should understand that some of us can make instantaneous decisions.
And some of us aren't meant to. Right? We're not designed to.


When I ride it out like that, and it keeps coming back. Then I know for
sure I need to do this. right.


Yeah. It's solid. It's solid.




And you can trust it then. And one thing I learned about that too, is like,
if you enter into a decision without riding out your wave, you will have
the emotional ups and downs in that experience then. You're going to be
like, oh, it'll be like one time. Oh, this is great. Like, everything's
going well. And the next time, why did I ever join this... Right. It's
like, you didn't allow that to settle before you joined. Right. So now
you're riding out the emotions in the program. So yeah-


And it's kind of analogous to this. Well, an analogy I want to make to the
inner voice work that I do is when you are not listening to your inner
voice, you're wobbly, right? When you are listening to it. You're rock


Yeah. There's not a lot of clarity.


And when you are following it, you're in alignment. And a lot of times,
most of the time, your heart, what your inner voice or your intuition is
telling you is in alignment with your values.


Yeah. And our emotional, we have a lot of emotional wisdom and a lot of
people would just kind of, let's not be emotional. Let's not think about
those emotions. Let's just be logical in our head. And this is what human
designed teaches us is to get out of our head, get into our bodies. So I
feel like that's what you're saying about inner voice. That's what it's
teaching you.




Out of your head, into your body.


Your body has more wisdom than your brain.


Yeah. It's meant to... Our body is here to experience life and to lead the
way. But what we've decided is our brain is in charge and we've just shut
down the body. But it's so interesting. I have had quite a few clients who
are just not used to that, like trying to feel in their body instead,
they're like in their head going, no, I need to figure out the thought and
the thought that leads to whatever. Right. It's like a very logical process
they're trying to go through. No. And it's-


I think that that is a great process when you have sabotage, when you have
a lot of doubt, when you have-


Yes. After you've made... Yes.


That's where it's really beneficial.


Yes. Yes. It's beneficial in helping you to, after you've made a decision
or right. Or helping you to get into your body anyways, like in your head,
all the reasons you shouldn't be in your body, or after you've made a
decision to help yourself follow through and not tell yourself-


Exactly. So if you're listening to the inner voice and what it is that it
wants and you're really after it. And then this is starting dead doubt you.
That's a great tool. It's a great tool for that.




Perfect match for that.


Yeah. So I assume we know what you do, but what are you doing nowadays with
your clients? What is your current coaching about?


Yeah. So my coaching right now is I coach a lot of people in mid-life and a
lot of them are in transition. A lot of them don't want to, whether they're
coming out of parenthood and they don't want to go back to a corporate
cubicle, or whether they're coming to a place of wanting to do something
that is meaningful and purposeful. A lot of my clients want to do something
purposeful. They're at a point in their life where that is more important
to them. So a few of them that I've worked with, they have... We started
off with like a bucket list of what excites them, what lights them up. And
by the end, they're like launching businesses that consists of the things
that light them up, which is so fun. Right and it doesn't have to be a
business. Right. It's whatever their big audacious idea is. It could be
like, I'm going to travel the world and take a sabbatical. Right.


That's a big audacious idea to put it into action. It could be wanting to
write a book. It could be starting an online business. It could be anything
that's big and audacious that feels purposeful and meaningful to them.


That's awesome.


This is their turn to do that thing that they've always wanted to do.


Yeah. It's like their time in their life now to not... Like they don't have
kids at home anymore probably. Right. Is that the...


Well, a lot of them have teenagers that are going to be leaving, right.


Yeah. So they're in that stage, that midlife stage, which I am also in.




Yes. Awesome.


So that's this whole idea of, what's their midlife adventure? What's it
going to be?


I like that. Midlife adventure.


Actually, Sarah Trappist, you're like the midwife for the midlife.


I love that. Oh my gosh. So yes, that needs to go on your website.


Birthing out that big audacious idea. I'm definitely the person that can
get, like I've been told from my clients that I helped them get the train
out of the station. Right. Help them get moving. Take action, right. From a
really great place. Right. A confident place.


That's amazing. So if anybody wants to find out more about the services
you're offering, where do you want them to find you?


So my website is going to be going through some changes, but you can go
there right now. And it's There is no H in my name.
It's C I M I N O they can go there and I'm on all social media platforms. I
love to do lives. And I tend to come on and give a lot of different
strategies to thrive. So...






I'll put that in the show notes so that everybody can check you out. So
thank you so much for being with me today, Patty.


Thank you, Rebecca. I really enjoyed it.


If you enjoy listening to this podcast, please go subscribe so that you get
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there, please leave me a review and let me know what you think. So excited
to share this with you, and can't wait to talk to you next time. Bye.


Patricia Cimino