In today’s Human Design Q&A session, learn the answers to the following:
- What is Human Design?
- What does Type signify?
- What does Strategy mean?
- What does Authority tell me about myself?
- How does the Personality Profile relate to who I am?
- And more….
I’ve opened up 2 levels of Human Design sessions now:
- Basic Human Design Session
- Business Breakthrough Session
Check out the details at
So today, instead of having an interview or even teaching on a specific
topic, I thought I would cover some commonly asked questions. I noticed
that even in my coaching group with women who have already had readings,
there still is confusion on human design. And I understand, because human
design, it's a layered chart. It's really a layered process to go through
to even understand. And I think of kind of like peeling back the layers of
an onion to understand what's underneath.
So I want to talk today in a more of a step-by-step Q&A, which is going
to be more general about the whole human design system. And I want to do
another part Q&A when I get together questions that are more in-depth.
I just feel like I love listening to Q&As myself, and so I thought it
would be fun to do a Q&A show on human design.
Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break
you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the
life you're meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share
mindset tools, coaching conversations, and human design, to help you
uncover your unique gifts and create the life, relationships, and business
you desire.
So question number one, what is human design? So human design is made up of
five different, we can call them sciences, I guess. They're old. Some of
them are really old, ancient sciences, like the [inaudible 00:01:39] is the
first science. The Kabbalah is the second one. The chakra system is the
third one, quantum mechanics, and astrology. Those are in no particular
order, but really, if you were to look, I think it's a genetic matrix where
I don't know if you can get it in other systems, but you can actually run a
chart that kind of shows all of those things together. And it's really way
more in-depth than you need to know when you're just looking for your human
design chart, but it really will show how all of those things work together
to come up with your human design. So that's number one.
Number two, where do you start? The first place to start is your type and
your strategy. And those are tied together. There are five types in human
design, and each type has its own strategy. So the type is usually the role
you play in the story of your life. It tells a lot about the purpose and
what you're here for. The strategy will be like, how do you interact in the
world? How do you use your energy in the best way, depending on what type
you are?
So for instance, I'm a manifesting generator. There's five different types.
I'm a manifesting generator. And my strategy is to respond and to inform.
So when I'm looking at my type, my purpose as a manifesting generator is to
really be here to do what lights me up, to do work that lights me up, to
build things in the world, but then how do I do it? I need to do it by
responding to what's around me, and then I need to inform people of what
I'm responding to and what I'm building. So what does your type say about
you, about the role in the story of life, about your purpose and how you do
it? Look at your strategy. How are you here to play out that type?
Question number three is about authority. What does authority mean in your
chart? So authority is about the way you make decisions. Human design, for
the most part, talks about getting out of your head and into your body and
really recognizing the wisdom that exists in your body. We are not taught
to be in our body. We are so much logically thinking in our head about life
and about what we're here to do and what's next. And so much of our
overwhelm, I think, comes from this thinking, the thinking than the logic,
that feels like it knows how we're here to explore life or feels like it
knows what we're supposed to be doing or what's next.
And then we get frustrated because we're not listening to the wisdom of our
body. Our body houses our soul, and our soul is here for a purpose. And our
soul knows this, but our head thinks it knows better, right? So human
design will teach you how to, like, what is your specific way of really
getting into your body? And one of those ways is looking at your authority.
So what authority do you have? I have emotional authority, and half the
population has emotional authority. Now, emotional authority is about
really riding out your emotional wave and really feeling into it, feeling
into what's right for you, not making decisions in a very high emotional
state or low emotional state, but being emotionally grounded and knowing
that you have ridden out your emotional wave. That's a whole nother topic,
but that's just one of the authorities you could be, and I wanted to say
that one real briefly. I have other episodes in my podcasts that talk more
deeply about type and more deeply about authority.
So the next thing I would look at is personality profile. So what's the
personality profile? What's that about? Personality profile is about what
the character is that you play in the story of your life. There are 12
different profiles, and your profile will talk a lot about what you need
and how you learn, what you need in order to stay grounded, what your
learning style is. Part of this tells a lot about your purpose. It's just a
really great ... There's so much depth in the personality profile. I don't
want to talk about it really deeply here, but what does yours say about
Next, there's the emotional theme. I haven't looked at all the ways that
human design charts come out on all the different systems, but most of the
time, there will be a theme, an emotional theme. And I think a lot of times
it's [inaudible 00:06:38] emotional theme. And so for instance, for
manifesting generators, mine says frustration, anger, or satisfaction. So
basically what the emotional theme is about, it's like, if you are not in
alignment with your type, strategy, authority, whatever, mostly your type,
but if you're not in alignment with your type, you're going to be in the
low end of that emotional theme.
For generators, it's frustration. So if you're consistently frustrated, if
you have a theme of frustration going on in your life around you, if you
look at around you and a lot of people around you are frustrated, there
could be something going on with you where you're not really living in
alignment with your type as a generator. So that's just kind of a red flag,
let's say, and I want to make this clear, this is something that can be
confusing about the emotional theme. If you're just frustrated in the
morning once in a while because something happens, that's not what we're
talking about. We're talking about an overarching theme of frustration that
seems to be going on and on, and also when you notice it in people around
you, it's kind of this mirror, right? Like, what's going on in your type as
a generator, what aren't you in alignment with? That's a good signal to
really kind of search, first of all, with your type. Are you living in
alignment as a generator?
Then we come down to the incarnation crosses. So you'll usually notice
there's a right angle cross or left angle cross. It might say RAX or LAX,
and in the traditional human design language, sometimes these crosses sound
really not that exciting, right? I mean, there's some really interesting
language that was used to describe these incarnation crosses, but really
the incarnation crosses are kind of the story of your chart, the story of
your life, kind of the plot line maybe of the story. It's something you're
here to experience over the course of your lifetime.
I mean, when I look at incarnation crosses for people, I love looking at
them as like, this is really kind of a sign of some things that you need to
ground you in order to live out the highest qualities of the gifts you're
here to give. There's something about the incarnation cross that can be
really juicy and lovely to really dive into in a deep way.
Then we have the centers. So if you'll notice on your chart, there's nine
centers, and you can kind of relate these to the chakras. There's seven
chakras in the chakra system. And these definitely relate. The centers
relate with the chakras. Really, though, the centers, you can look at them
as how the energy flows in your unique design. And one of the things to
notice is whether your centers are white or if they're colored in. If
they're white, that just means that you're open in that center and you're
taking in energy from those around you. If they're colored in, in that
particular center, you're actually projecting energy. You have impact on
other people because your center is colored in.
So some people, if you're a reflector type, have zero centers colored in,
and that's pretty rare. One percent of the population are reflectors, but
it's important to know, and you'll notice that we talk in human design
about conditioning. You'll tend to be conditioned more in the centers that
are open or white than you will in the centers that are defined or colored
in. And that's just because you are taking in energy from those around you.
And it doesn't mean that you can't be conditioned in ways that ... Even in
defined centers. So there's other things that go into conditioning, not
just the human design centers. But this is a good sign of where you may
have some conditioning in your life.
And then there's the channels. So when you have two centers defined and
they're connected with a fully colored in, we'll call it channel, they're
connected with a line between them, that fully colored in channel, that is
a energy that's consistent for you. That's an energy you're here to
experience. You even could consider it part of your purpose. There's
something there for you to help others with. So there's a lot of questions
about these channels. What does it mean if it's red? What does it mean if
it's black? What does it mean if it's a half a line?
So these channels connect gates. The channel between, if it's red, that
just means it's a subconscious or unconscious, maybe not something you're
totally aware of as much as it's much more of a natural energy. It's in
your body. It's natural. If it's black, it's more conscious. You're here to
work on it. It's on your personality side. You notice it more about
yourself. And sometimes you see that they're red and black, or half the
line is red, half the line is black. Again, depending on what numbers you
have on either side of that channel, some of the times the numbers are red.
They're on the red side of your chart. And some of the numbers are on the
black side of your chart. And most charts, you'll notice the right side is
black and the left side is red. If you look at the planet, I'll talk about
that in a minute. But there's numbers going down the side of your chart on
both sides, and the black ones are like a personality. They're here. You're
focused on them. You kind of notice them about yourself.
And then there's the ones on the left, which say body, or unconscious,
subconscious. These are things that you don't necessarily really notice
about yourself, but they're natural. And they're definitely, what I love
about that is I used to think, actually, when I first started studying
human design, I was really focused on the body side of the chart, and in my
coaching and everything, we kind of focused on the body side. But what I
love about the unconscious side is it's really the whole other layer of
gifts and signs and things that you're here for and motivations for you. So
it's really helpful to bring awareness to what's going on with the red
lines, with the red lines and red numbers, also.
So basically, the channels and the gates, the gates are the numbers that
are in those little centers. And some people have always asked this
question, too. It's like, does everybody have the same numbers in the
centers? Yes. But I want to say, the numbers never move. My numbers, like
if I look at my sacral center, I have the same numbers in my sacral center
as you will have in your sacral center. The difference is whether which
ones for me are colored and in a circle and which ones aren't, versus the
ones for you that are colored in a circle and aren't.
So if you have circled, colored in numbers on your chart, that means that
that gate is defined for you. So there will be a line off of that gate.
Now, the line might be a half a line, meaning it's not going to connect to
another center. Those are just, those are energies you're going to
experience in connection with other people, for instance. So you're going
to experience that energy. That energy is important for you to look at,
because it's a gate energy that defines something that you're here to
experience. And what I would say is you are attracted to people that have
the gate on the opposite end of that line. There's something interesting
with the energetics we can look at in human design. That's a much deeper
thing. I shouldn't go into it here because I'm trying to cover some basics.
But if it's a half a line, it's still a defined energy for you. It's
something you're here to experience. So those are called gates. So I just
want to briefly review that. So the numbers in the centers, whether the
center is colored in or white, the numbers are the gates. And if the gate
is circled and colored in and it has a line hanging off of it, that is a
energy you're here to experience. Sometimes it's in a full channel, where
it connects to another center and there's another gate on that other side.
That's that full channel of energy. It's going between those two defined
centers. And if it's a half a channel, that's okay, too. It's still an
energy you're here to experience. It's defined for you.
And so because once we look at those, I want to talk about, the last thing
I want to talk about is the planets. So you'll notice now that you have
symbols along the side, down the side of your chart. They're in order
usually. There's the sun, the Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and some charts we can see where Chiron is in
there. And we can see the north and south node. So those are the symbols
that you see going down the right side and the left side of your chart.
Each of those symbols has a number in it, and it has a number with a dot,
and then another number. That first number is the gate. So I just told you
about the gates. You're going to see, then, in a deeper meaning of your
chart, that the gates each have a planetary energy to them. And just
briefly, like the sun, for instance, the sun is really a powerful energy
for us here on Earth. And so the sun is like where you're here to lead.
I've heard it said, it's where God shines on you. So whatever gate your sun
is in is a very, very important element in your chart when we talk about
purpose and life's work and the gifts you're here to give. That sun gate is
really important.
And then we can see the Earth, which is about where you're grounded, right?
This is what you need. This is what needs to be fulfilled in order for you
to fulfill the gifts and the gates of your sun and other gifts you're here
to give. So there's different meanings to all the planets, and that's the
astrological aspect. It's really fascinating. You'll see that in each of
those placements, there's the gate number. And then there's a dot, and then
there's the line number.
So that second number that comes after the dot, that's just a deeper, even
a deeper meaning. It's the energy. It's kind of like I was talking about
that personality profile before. Those are kind of like, there's a
personality energy to each of the gates that are listed in your planet.
Now, that's just a deeper way, again, like that's something I don't really
need to go too deeply in today. And we don't necessarily get to that beyond
looking at the incarnation cross and the personality profile in just
regular readings.
So anyways, I hope that this overview Q&A has given you some insight
into the depth of the chart. In another Q&A, which I want to start
gathering questions together for a different Q&A, I want to talk about
other questions that come up amongst my clients and questions I see in the
human design communities that I'm in. For people that are just trying to
kind of wrap their head around what does this human design mean, what can
it do for me? Like, what's it about, and how can we use it in a practical
way in life and in business? And what does it mean about us? It's super
fascinating. I love talking about it, but this is the end of the Q&A
for today.
So thank you so much for listening. And I would love to know, if you do
have questions you can write to me at Also, I
have readings. I have two types of readings available now. One is a basic
reading where you will get access to videos based on your type, your
strategy, and your profile. And then you will get a 30 minute call with me
to follow up, to ask any deeper questions about something that's going on
in your life. That's one type of reading I have. The second type of reading
I have now is called a business breakthrough reading. And this is something
new that I'm offering. I'm super excited about it. And so both of those
readings, if you go to, you can get a feel of which
reading is right for you.
So I look forward to working with you on your chart, if that's something
you're interested in getting into, and I will see you on the next episode.
If you enjoy listening to this podcast, please go subscribe so that you get
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there, please leave me a review and let me know what you think. So excited
to share this with you and can't wait to talk to you next time. Bye.
