Today’s episode is a fun “look behind the curtain” episode!

Anke Docherty and Amanda Kingsley join me today to talk about:

  • How we met
  • Why we formed a small Voxer group
  • How we’ve stayed connected since March of 2019 and why
  • What we’ve learned together
  • Why this connection has been so important for our personal and business growth

You can see more about Anke Docherty’s work at

Check out Amanda’s work at

The 2nd round of BLOOMED in Business is starting in September!

Have you been waiting for a program to come along to help you weave your uniqueness into your business? To create a business that is defined by your own rules and needs?

Then this is the program for you! We talk about how to identify our unique energy structure, our purpose, how to bring our whole, authentic voice into our work, and so much more.

Get all the details and register at this link:

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Good morning. So, today, as I am posting this, as I'm recording this, it is Labor Day. I don't sound totally clear because I have an end of the summer cold, which has been interesting. I don't think I've had a cold for it feels like at least two years, but I don't know it could be. So I don't sound clear, but I still wanted to come on, and make sure that I got this episode out this week. This is a really fun one, and so it's something different than I normally do. In fact, I have two friends on with me today.
Before I get to that, I just want to let you know, and I'm informing, so as a manifesting generator, I have to inform, and it's super odd to me that I have such an issue with taking the time to inform people about what's going on sometimes, so. I have so many fun things going on, but one thing is if you're a coach, specifically, or a female entrepreneur even, and you've been wondering how you can use human design more practically in your business, this month, I am starting the second round of Bloomed. Our first round just ended last week and it was so fun. I think we had such a great wrap-up.

In fact, one of my main goals in building these Bloomed programs is to connect other women who are doing similar work. This group of women that went through the first round, several of them expressed interest in continuing on as a group. And so we are talking about what does that look like to go together as a group as we continue to grow, and continue to put into practice what we've learned in the human design Bloomed group. So if you're interested in making more connections, and really living more practically with your human design in your business that's exactly what the Bloomed group is about. You can ask me questions about it in Facebook, right? You can message me, but you can also go check out all the details at I would love to see you in the program. So let's get started on today's fun episode.

Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the life you are meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share mindset tools, coaching conversations, and human design to help you uncover your unique gifts, and create the life, relationships, and business you desire.

Okay. So, today, on the podcast I have my friends, Anke Docherty, and Amanda Kingsley. And, today, we're going to talk about why we formed a group to support each other after we went through life coach certification. So, I mean, without me telling how I know you guys, Anke, from your experience, how did you meet us? And why did you want to continue on with us after life coach school?

All right. Well, thank you so much, Rebecca. First of all, thank you for having us on this podcast. It's always a pleasure to talk to you as you know. And, yeah, I mean, we met in our coach certification group if I remember correctly, right? That was October, 2018. And we finished in March, 2019. And I think from what I remember since then we're all together. And I think the original topic of this Voxer chat, which we created was money love. I honestly don't know what this was all about. Maybe you guys remember, but this is how it all started. Yeah, Amanda.

I remember.
For sure.

So, but since, I mean, our topic is not money, is it? I mean, we talk about everything, about personal life, business life, pretty much anything.
Yeah. How about you, Amanda?

Well, I remember exactly because we finished certification, and at the end of certification we were entering the next track. We were learning how to run businesses, right? Now we're certified, what do we do next? I remember being like, well, I know exactly what my block is, it's money, right? I'm going to have all kinds of money stuff to work through. And so there were like what? 10 of us in our certification group?

I think there were 11.
Yeah, something like that. I remember saying does anyone want to start a Voxer channel to work through the money piece of it? And you two were the only two that responded. I don't know that we ever talked about money, maybe in the beginning, but essentially that is what we've done, right? We have used each other to work through inspiration, through support, through cheerleading. We've used each other to actually all get to a place where two years later we have businesses. I don't know that I would be here without that group. It was pretty impactful to have a few people who know the whole story, the whole journey.

Yeah. That's what I feel like, too. We all graduated from the life coach school. Maybe some people are new to this podcast, but we're all certified life coaches, and we had pods when we went through training. And 11 of us were put in this one pod, and I connected with Amanda, and Anke in a deeper way. Can you tell in some ways you connect with people even an 11 person group? Isn't that interesting? You just feel a connection.
Yeah. I mean, that's probably why the two of you were like, "Sure, I'm in." Because we had a connection, right?
Yes, we just formed.
I don't know that I knew it would have lasted this long, though, when we started. I thought, "Oh, we'll work through some money stuff, and talk about whatever tools," but I didn't anticipate it turning into what it has, which is so special.
And, also the funny part is, I mean, you two guys have met each other in person, right? I haven't met you.

So it's really weird with the things we share, I mean, guys, let's be real, right? We share pretty much anything we want to share on this chat, which is so funny, and we've never met. I mean, we just know each other, well, I know you guys online.
Yeah. Well, that's what I think is so special. And I think for me, I already had been a part of a group like this on a Voxer channel. There were six of us on that channel so it's different than three, but you can form such deep connections with people by just chatting through a chat randomly. Whenever you have something to say, you just go in there and chat. It's so fascinating, right? I knew it could be something like this because I've been through it before. And going to Amanda's point about being in business still, right? I feel like, how can you be an entrepreneur without this kind support of other women, specifically? I don't know if men need this as much, but I think women, I feel like to have the support of someone just to say, "Hey, I'm just having a down day. I just don't feel very energetic." Right? Even that kind of support what do you guys think about that?

I just joined my first mastermind and I had watched you guys invest in coaching and business in a little bit different way than I had, but I feel like in some ways that's what we were. We were like a little mini mastermind just sharing business ideas, sharing questions, sharing blocks, sharing personal things. We just kind of formed this really traditional mastermind. We all have this goal. We want to create something with the certifications we've got, whether it ends up being directly related to coaching, or not, because maybe we'll get there, but you two have branched off a little bit more, but I think that's what it was. It was just a really natural mastermind.
Yeah. So, I mean, I feel like I've been part of quite a few masterminds, but when you say real mastermind, that is kind of I know. I mean, it's not the mastermind where you invest in the teacher just teaches concepts into a group, which I feel like some people do call that a mastermind.

But I've been to, quote, real masterminds where literally you come together as a group on a regular basis, and talk out your issues and get support from the group. And that's what this is. There isn't a leader.
We're just all here of our own, right? We're really committed, and I love that.
No, me too. And I have to say, I mean, I share things here I wouldn't easily share with many people. I've been in groups as well, and generally, and maybe, Rebecca, you can talk about this in human design terms as well. I'm not the person that goes out easily, and just talks to people about any issue, but I feel with you guys, I can pretty much say anything without having to feel, okay, you guys are judging me, or thinking, "Oh, God, what is wrong with her today?" or something. You just come, you talk, and that's it. Somebody always answers at some point, so this is really good.
Yeah. And I feel like it's a mixture between coaching and friendship.

I don't bring my coaching brain totally here.
I just like we're here to support each other.
Yeah. Every once in a while there's this little voice in me that's like, "Ask the coaching question, or say the coachee thing."
Amanda brings her coaching brain more often.
Very true. And this is good sometimes, when you're just ranting, and then she asks the question it's like, "Oh."
Yeah. I think that's funny. I mean, how do you feel like, so Amanda's business I was just saying this the other day. Amanda had an idea of a business and she's kind of consistently kept on that same track. Anke, and I have been bouncing. I mean, mine was one thing, and then it became another and then it's like, "No, that's not it." Right? It could be the differences for some of us if we looked at our human design, but that's not all of it. It's just like I think maybe Amanda knew what her deep calling was, and she wanted to keep doing that. Whereas, I felt like I had a deep calling too, but then I got bored with that deep calling. I'm like, "No, I'm not into that anymore." And then I moved to something else. Anke, what do you think it is for you? I mean, you didn't, I'm not sure if you had the same because, yeah, just what do you think it is for you as far as moving around?

It definitely wasn't a deep calling. I mean, for me it was just a sort of natural progression, you know? Because as you know I come from an HR background, so I thought, "Well, career coaching is close. I can support from a coaching point. I can support from an HR point. So let's just do it." So for the first what, year and a half, I did different variations of it. I focused on different people, different groups. I always knew my heart wasn't in it. I can see that only now, literally, since I do my RTT. Before my heart wasn't in it. I just did it because I thought it's logical. It's the natural thing to do, but I was always, like, when I was saying things, and doing things, I was kind of shaking my head. I'm like, "This is not what I want to do."
Yeah. And what's cool about having a group like this is when we can hear your voice and you're telling us, and we're telling you things, we can feel the energy of what you're talking about. And it's like, is she really into that, or not?
So what did you guys think of? You told me at some point, right? It's like, something's off here. And, Amanda, you guys don't see this, but she's smirking away right now just to let you know.

I think lot of times with you in particular, Anke, it was like, I feel like so much of my work in the world is just holding space. I just hold space for people to grow. And so I feel like that was it so much for you in particular was just, like, I don't know about Rebecca, but I could see what was happening with you, but know that you needed to figure it out on your own, and just holding space and loving you through it. Just, like, she'll get through it. I know this is not, like, Rebecca said, we could hear it, we could see it, we could feel it. And just holding space for each other to figure it out on our own because you in particular, Anke, are not the kind of person who is going to listen if somebody tells you, "Oh, no, that's not right."
Like what do you mean?

If we had been like, "Anke, I don't think that's the right niche for you," which it's not like we knew that right upfront, but we knew you weren't passionate about it, but if we had told you that you probably still would have loved us, but you would have been like, screw you.
Yeah, you could be right.
It's just holding space for each other. And I'm sure you guys have seen that with me, too, where I've been like, "I'm going to do this thing." And you're like, "Oh, I don't know. Good luck with that," but it's just being there to be with each other as we grow through stuff, and try things on. It's really valuable to be able to try something, and have people who are going to walk that trial with you, and then help you if you fall, or celebrate with you if it's a win, so.
Yeah. And even when we do feel bad, like, something is a failure, or something, still I feel like we bring it out on the other side, like, "Oh, but I see that that didn't work." And it just brings it to another level, like, "Okay, here's what we learned about this." It keeps the conversation going instead of just there's nobody to talk to about it. And then you just kind of let that, you know what I mean? I feel like we can come full circle in here over and over again with all the things.
I think there's a really funny full circle. Can I share something?

I think when we started this, I was the one who was kind of woo, kind of feeling energy, kind of non-traditional ideas, kind of off the beaten path from what we all learned in life coach school. The two of you were a little more just straightforward, and on a mission. And I was like, well, what about the energy? Well, what about the whatever? But now, I feel like you two are both more woo than I am.
That is a weird statement.
I've got all kinds of woo going on, but Rebecca's into astrology and human design. When we first started this, you would not have been here.
I don't think I would have been.
This is not who you were.

And, Anke, even the RTT, and the hypnotherapy, I know that's not super woo, but just acknowledging that there's these other energetic pieces to the puzzle that's not really where you were at. I've just kind of been the same. I'm just here. Now, sometimes, I really feel like you're both more woo than I am.
It's hilarious because I don't even think of human design as woo. I think some people do think of it because maybe because of the astrology, there's quantum mechanics. I don't know.
I think just acknowledging something that's not visible, right?
Yeah, right, that could be it.
Yeah, you can look at a chart and it's visible, but it's not really, I mean, and you can find science, but you can find science for ghosts, too.
It's believing in something that's not straight and narrow, right?
Yeah. That's totally my story though, right? I was on such a straight and narrow path.
Yeah, totally.

You're just talking my story right now. I was boxed in by the straight and narrow path. Nope, this is it. It's very logical, blah, blah, blah. And then it's like, "But why don't I feel good? So now what?" Right? And then it's going and figuring that stuff out, and be like, oh, there's this whole other area. What if we don't have to do it the way someone said? What if we don't have to follow these, quote, rules that everybody told us to follow. Basically, that's my message. So I feel like human design is great for helping with that specific thing, but yeah. So, Anke, how do you feel about when Amanda says you're more woo? I'm even trying to think of Anke as woo. Oh, yeah, maybe.

That's right. I think in the beginning I thought, "Yeah, she is a little woo, but not in a bad way." When she was talking about her stuff, and I was like, "Yeah, but it's interesting." For me, it was new. I used to be the total black and white person, right? So I'm like, okay, if you see it, it's there. If you don't, it's not. And what is she talking about? But I thought, "Okay, let's listen." I was curious, and it made sense at some point.
I mean, you guys also know when the path when I went into hypnotherapy. I mean, when I heard this at first, I'm like, "Really?" And you have all those pictures in your head of crazy people that do crazy stuff, and I was similar, right? I thought, "What the heck is all of this?" But then, actually, I listened to Marisa Peer who is the founder of this whole RTT thing. And I thought, "What she says actually makes sense." So I listened a bit more, and I think for me, I think Amanda was my opening gate to the woo world. Okay, this sounds weird, but it's kind of like, okay, knowing and acknowledging that there is something else, and I'm really, I'm thankful for that.
Yeah. I'm sorry, Amanda.

I think we just all wouldn't be where we are without each other. It seems like an obvious thing to say, and a cliche thing to say, but we just wouldn't. This whole thing would have been so different if we hadn't had each other. And just to be clear, for listeners, we're on there every day. When we say two years of this, I mean, maybe there are days that go by, but it's at least multiple times a week. This isn't a once a week check-in, or a once a month check-in. It's just a constant conversation. And we've been through personal stuff together. We've been through business stuff together. We've helped each other make investments in terms of should I do it? Should I not do it? It's just been a lot.
Yeah. And it helps to open the conversation, I think. I mean, it helps to open our ideas to what else is possible because Amanda is on her own path talking about her own things, and I'm talking about my own. And it kind of brings other ideas in, don't you think to your world, like, "Oh, that's interesting. I never thought of that." That has opened up things for me, too. When Amanda talks about her Feng shui.

Feng shui.
I mean, I learned some things about Feng shui. I'm like, "That's interesting." And then Amanda talks about numbers. I don't remember what you call that number system, but I've always been curious.
Well, that was the thing. I used to talk about that numbers work and you guys were both like, "Okay, whatever. You do you." I mean, it's essentially the same concept, so human design and astrology.
I know.
It's all that, like, you were born as somebody, and it's living that somebody is going to serve you way more than trying to fit in someone else's rules and boxes.
Yeah, but, I mean, it's interesting because I think that is right what Anke said, too, or you said it, you're more woo. And I'm like, yeah, I never really thought of it that way, but I did think of you as, "Yeah, Amanda has got these other ideas. Whatever those are over there I don't know." I might not have been ready to talk about that stuff at the time, or something. I don't know what it was, right?
I think we've seen it in political conversations, too, where social issues, political issues.

We all just hold space for each other, and, also, help give each other a little more perspective. It's not teaching each other, but it's just, like, that's not really the way I see it. And then sometimes we change our views. Sometimes we don't, but we really are different in a lot of ways, but also we're all the same.
Yeah, well, we've all come from different backgrounds. Anke, you actually are German, right?
You used to live in Germany, but I don't think you've lived in Germany since we knew you. Now you live in the U.K.
I left Germany 2004, and then I lived for 14 years in Dubai in the Middle East. And then now for the last three years, I'm in the U.K., so I come from a completely different place.
That's been interesting to me.
I agree.
I never had a feeling that we're that different. I mean, yes, we have different views, and different everything. I have my lovely accent, and everything, but other than that, I mean, we're all in the same boat kind of. I don't know how you guys see it, but that's always how I felt.

Yeah. I feel like we're in the same boat. I feel like it's opened my eyes to experiences of people who don't live in the United States just because of some of the things you talk about. I'm like, "Oh yeah. I would have never thought of that, or that way, or." I think it's fascinating. And then, Amanda, you live up in Massachusetts?
I'm in New England, yeah. Massachusetts, yeah.
Okay. I always want to say the other M, Maryland. For some reason for me, Maryland and Massachusetts mean the same thing. I don't know why. Probably because I've never visited either of them. So I don't, yeah, but even your experience of living in that part of the country versus me living in the Midwest, or Upper Midwest, right?
Yes, sure.
There's just a different perspective of life. It's super fascinating to me. It's opened my eyes to just a lot of just different things. Yeah. I don't know how you guys think about that, but I find that totally interesting.

Yeah, I do think we all come to each other in the group with totally different upbringings, and learned experiences.
Yeah. And then seeing what our kids are going through, or what they're experiencing. That's been really helpful, I think, for all of us, because we all have teenage girls, right?
And I have young adult children now, too. It's just been so for all of it, our marriages, our kids, our work, our life coaching. I just wanted to bring this topic to my podcast to show coaches that could there be a way they could find a support structure that's not a paid mastermind, but it's kind of like a mastermind, but it's support for everything. It's holistic support, right?

That's a good way to put it. It is really holistic support. I think we all have friends and family who are a part of pieces of our life, but if we're honest, our businesses, and our career directions take up so much of our brain space. And so to have people who can talk about that with you, in addition to the personal stuff is really helpful. I don't necessarily go to my best friend and talk to her about a workshop I'm running. She'd be like, "I don't really care." Not that she doesn't care, but it just wouldn't be the same, whereas, this is we get to talk about our own growing, and learning, and challenges in our businesses.
Yeah. Being an entrepreneur is really unique. I mean, it brings up all your stuff, right? I think that's why we talk about all this stuff because being an entrepreneur brings up all the stuff.
That's very true.
To have a space where you can feel really good talking about any of it.

Yeah, and I have to say, I mean, I didn't really have any entrepreneur friends in the beginning. I mean, all my friends are employed people working somewhere, mostly in the corporate world. And it's just sometimes when you go on the journey, I think you need different circles, different support. I think it's really amazing that we can just share everything because usually as Amanda also said you have friends, and then you talk about private stuff, and maybe you have some business friends, but for us, it's all just together, which is great.

Yeah. Thank you so much guys, for talking about this. I can't believe it's almost been 25 minutes. We could talk for a long time, I swear, about anything. I think we could talk for a long time as we know, but before we go, I just wanted to I'll put up the bottom of this in the show notes. I guess that's what we call them, right? I'll put a link to your websites, right?, and Is that the names of your websites?
I'm Amanda Star Kingsley. It's actually my middle name.
Is it? You know what? That is so interesting because I used to just think, "Oh, she just wanted to be a star, and so she puts Star." I never even asked.
No. My brother's middle name is Snow.

I didn't even ask. How interesting.
See, we're always learning new things about each other.
Always learn new things. Yeah, so we're all certified life coach school coaches. And I guess my last thing I wanted to say about that was that it's fun to have a group of friends because I consider you guys friends now, not just colleagues, or whatever, fellow entrepreneurs, but that also know how to hold space. We're doing the personal work, too. In some ways it's nice that you can come in here sometimes and rant, or whatever. And other times you're just like you know how to hold the space for other people. We don't judge it, like Anke said. I feel like there's no judgment about anything because we know we all have a bunch of thoughts.
Actually, can I say one more thing?

Because I think it's related to that, which is, as you've been learning human design, and astrology they feel like Japanese to me. I can barely digest any of it. And you're so patient. You're not, like, I already told you that Amanda. I'm like, "What's the one? What's the three? Why am I doing that?" But I do think that is a skill we all bring is that lack of judgment, and so important, particularly with new things we're learning because I don't expect you to expect me to remember everything you present about human design. So sometimes I've probably asked the same question three times, or five.
Same here.
I think Anke and I are alike. What stuff?

What's fun, though, is for the people listening who know about I've been talking about human design in my podcasts. So Amanda is a one-three manifesting generator, and Anke is a two-four generator, and I'm a one-four manifesting generator. So we have very much of a resonance with each other between our profiles. I feel like that's an interesting perspective, too, what I've learned about your human designs and mine. I'm like, "Oh, we resonate well with each other." And it's interesting to see how that works in a group, right? And maybe that does keep us tied together a little bit.

I love to bring in my teachings. I'm going to teach you guys all day about everything. And, Anke, I can see the two. Amanda and I are like, "No, but you're really good at that." You're like, "Well, I never thought of me." That is totally a two thing. It is so two. I think I've learned so much about the two from Anke, and then Amanda with her one-three where you're just trying things. Amanda, you and I have talked about the difference between you and I with your one-three, and my one-four is that I don't really need to, I mean, you do a lot less, quote, research book study than I do, but I feel like that's your three. That's more of your three thing. You're out there experiencing it, and trying it out. Whereas I'm not really doing that as much as I'm like, no, I'm going to learn it. I'm going to cosmotize it. I'm going to teach it.
Wait, is it related, though, that I'm super defined? I have one on the brain center. So I think I'm not looking for lots of ideas and perspectives. I'm just like, "Oh, that's interesting. It either works, or it doesn't work."

Yeah, and that's I think your three too, though, like, yes, yes. So the personality profile really does play such an important role, I think, but you are very different. You have eight centers defined. I have six. And, Anke, I can't remember. I think you have less than that even. I'm not looking at our charts. It's super fun though for me knowing our types. I sometimes go and peek at the chart if you said something. I'm just curious, I go peek at the chart because I'm learning through experience in that way, too, right? I learn a lot about charts from just experiences I'm having with other people around me, so I just kind of keep this by.
Well, even when you did my astrology, which is coming full circle, right? Because we started this Voxer because I was, like, money. That's where I'm going to struggle. And then it was just this month that you read my astrology chart, and we were just cracking up because, obviously, money is your thing.
It's everywhere. It's all over your chart.

Well, it's very prominent. I know. Money was all over your astrology chart. I thought that was really interesting. And so I'm like, "Huh, Amanda wanted to talk about money." So this has been super fun. And now I think it's going to be almost a 30 minute conversation and that's great. So thank you so much, guys, for joining me on the podcast. I hope that this was helpful for other life coaches who are looking for some support, and maybe they can find something similar. I mean, I just wanted to talk about how we do it, and how fun it's been, so thank you for joining me for a little chat.

Thank you.
Well, thanks for having us. We always have fun together, so.
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