Both my husband and I and 2 of our children are Manifesting Generators. I share my experience with living as a Manifesting Generator.
Listen in to learn about some of the following:
- What it feels like to be in alignment with the Manifesting Generator type energy
- The emotional themes of the Manifesting Generator
- What the strategy is for Manifesting Generators
- Challenges of being a Manifesting Generator
- The 34-20 channel
- And more…
I’ve opened up my new offering, which is a Human Design Business Breakthrough session!
Check out the details at
Hello. Today is another episode in my Human Design series. And today I
wanted to focus mostly on manifesting generators because I am manifesting
generator. And I thought it would be fun to talk about how I've experienced
being a manifesting generator. And I hope that that helps for you if you
know of any manifesting generators or you are a manifesting generator. I
hope that this podcast episode will help you. The other thing I wanted to
say is I am at the beginning of another 30 day experiment. I love doing 30
day commitment projects for myself. And so I will be sharing more about
that, hopefully on another episode. But one of a few of the things that I
have started doing for this 30 day challenge or commitment. I don't want to
call it a challenge because it's fun.
So a couple things I'm doing is number 1, I am putting in 2 hours of deep
work every single day, including Saturdays and Sundays into my schedule for
30 days straight. And deep work means there is absolutely no distraction.
I'm focused on learning or creating something. And what I'm going to be
focusing on creating is a YouTube channel for Human Design. And another
thing I want to focus on, which I haven't decided yet, and of course I'm
working on these projects simultaneously, I think as a manifesting
generator. I haven't decided which one will be the higher focus yet for
this particular 30 days. But I am working on journals and planners, which I
want to come out with some of those. I've really been interested in doing
that for a long time. And I just haven't made the commitment and made the
time for it. So that's my deep work time.
The other thing I'm doing is I am disconnecting from social media. So what
I mean by that is I will have twice a day, just twice a day, where I have
time, where I check in my email and might check in for the customers and
clients who are currently in my program. There's a Facebook group for them.
So there will be time for that. And then just answering any DMs that I get
or texts that I get. There will be time for that twice a day in my
schedule. But other than that, I won't be on social media scrolling, or I
won't be posting anything besides my podcast updates.
So I've made a commitment to that because I want to see how that affects my
mental and emotional health and feeling. I've had ups and downs over the
past couple of months. And I just wrote an email about that. If you are on
my list, you'd have gotten that email. There was a email about my energy
ebbs and flows and ups and downs, which is interesting that today we're
talking about being a manifesting generator because there are, because of
my emotional wave and all of the things, there are so many ups and downs
and the time in my life and hormone imbalances, I feel like there's so many
things going on with me right now. So I am really trying some things to see
what I can affect with getting away from technology more during my day on a
regular basis.
So that is what I'm going to be doing. And I will probably give an update
maybe next month, depending on how this 30 day experiment goes. I love to
share that kind of stuff. I used to actually do a lot of sharing on that on
Facebook before I even had this business that I am in right now. So yeah,
getting back to some stuff that I really enjoy. So I hope that you enjoy
this episode. Let me know what you think.
Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break
you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the
life you're meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share
mindset tools, coaching conversations, and human design, to help you
uncover your unique gifts and create the life, relationships and business
you desire.
Today, I wanted to talk more specifically about manifesting generators and
I am a manifesting generator. So I thought it would be a great one to start
with if I want to do different podcasts about the different types in human
design. So I wanted to talk today about my experience being a manifesting
generator. And if you are a manifesting generator, I'd be really curious
what your experience is and how it relates to what we've been taught about
who manifesting generators are and how they use their energy.
So first of all, I'm just going to review, I know I have another podcast
about the types, but I want to review what makes us a manifesting
generator. So if you have a defined sacral center, meaning you have ongoing
energy, you are a generator type. So there are generator types in general,
and there's two. There's generators and manifesting generators. And both of
us have this defined sacral center, which means that it's a renewable
source of energy. I will wake up again tomorrow morning with this raring to
go energy again. And it can be really nice to have that.
The other part that makes us though a manifesting generator is that we also
have a defined throat center. Not all generators have defined throat
centers, but manifesting generators do because they also have one of the
motor centers, which is either the will, the emotional solar plexus, the
sacral or the root. One of the motor centers is connected to the throat. So
in my case, I have the emotional solar plexus connected to my throat. And I
also have my sacral center connected to my throat. And that's what makes me
a manifesting generator.
Now, the other interesting thing is there are two different types of
manifesting generators. Meaning one type will have the 34-20 channel, which
is the direct connection. That's the only connection from the sacral to the
throat center. And one won't have that. And I do have that. And so I want
to talk about the challenges for me that come with that. And also the other
thing is that you could, as a manifesting generator, you may be a emotional
authority, or you could just be a sacral authority and I am an emotional
authority. So that's kind of the overview of all the different things about
the actual design of a manifesting generator.
So when you're in alignment as a manifesting generator, we would be just
trusting our sacral response. For me, there's two steps here. I need to
trust my sacral response to life, meaning I am allowing life to happen, but
I'm allowing my sacral, my gut response to help guide me to the next thing,
to help guide me into the right projects, maybe bring in the right people,
the right opportunities. But also my next step with that is I also need to
trust my emotional wisdom, which means riding out my emotional wave and
making sure that I'm not just going ahead with my gut response in the
moment. Because I tend to have either rose colored glasses or gray colored
glasses on, especially because of the wave I have, which is a very
individual wave.
So for me, what's been really difficult, there's some conundrums in my
chart. And we all have conundrums that are in our charts, but for me as a
manifesting generator, the conundrums are that I have the 34-20 channel,
which is a very busy channel. It has this feel to be busy or need to feel
busy all the time or be busy all the time. And I was in this rat race for
many, many years, especially when I had my children, I felt like if I
wasn't busy, there was something missing. Like I was wasting my time, I
wasn't using my time properly. I had this ongoing pressure. By the way,
that could come from, if you have an open head or open root center, I have
both, and those are pressure centers. So that I've recognized as I look
back on my life, why I had a tendency to be the way I was. So I felt this
need to be busy all the time.
I had this need to be running around, fill my day with appointments, run my
kids around to things. There wasn't like a dull moment during the day. It
was like, if I wasn't going from seven in the morning or five in the
morning, sometimes I went through phases where I'd get up at five in the
morning so I had several hours before the kids had to wake up. I did that
for years. I would wake up early so I could actually have time to do my
things before they got up. But if I wasn't running and going, like
constantly between let's say 5 in the morning and 10 at night, then I felt
like there was something missing. Like I wasn't accomplishing enough, and I
think that sometimes that's the pressure, not only maybe of my route
center, but my 20-34 channel, 34-20 channel.
And so the thing about the 34-20 channel is it can be a busyness without
accomplishment. So it can be like this quicksand feeling. You're running
and running and trying to get ... You know the cartoon figure that's
running and running and trying to get somewhere. And they're not really
moving. That can be the energy of the 20-34, 34-20. And I have definitely
felt that in the past.
So it's interesting because now that I'm in a different phase of my life
where I'm not raising a family. My kids, I have an 18 year old daughter at
this point as I'm recording this, that is still living at home, but it's
not like I'm raising kids and having to take care of their needs. She's
kind of going off now and figuring out her own path. And it's interesting
for me to see the difference between how I used to just run, run, run, go,
go, go all day long every day. And now this space that I have in order to
find my own path, which feels very weird and different. And I still feel a
pressure. Like if I'm not doing something all day long, I'm like, am I
valuable? Am I valuable now when I'm not doing something every minute of
the day? Like is it okay for me?
Now here's another thing I want to say is I have always been a person who
enjoyed downtime in the afternoons. And when you think of a manifesting
generator energy, and this constant like feeling of, okay, we can run, we
can do, we can go all day long, we can work all day long. I was confused
when I found out about manifesting generators in that respect, because I
was like, I've always been a person who enjoyed my downtime in the
afternoon. So when the kids were napping, I had a very structured schedule
with the kids. They always had nap time. And that was my time to rest,
relax, I would sometimes actually fall asleep, or I'd read a book or watch
a video or something.
I used to get those Netflix things in the mail. And I know, before Netflix
was actually on the computer, I remember getting those disks in the mail
and I would watch like, I'd have nap time with the kids. And I would be
able to watch my show at that time. Like I looked forward to those times so
much when the kids were little. But part of that I think is there's ... To
be aware that there's a burst and rest energy with manifesting generators.
It's a little bit different than generators. And I always use this analogy,
if we were like going up the mountain, generators would have a very, like,
they could just, steadily they'd continue going up the mountain until they
reached the top. They're just next step, next step, they'd be very focused.
Whereas manifesting generators would have this burst and rest, like burst
and get a bunch of stuff done and go, go, go and get all the way to a
plateau, and then they would rest and stop there at a plateau.
So that, I think part of that maybe could explain my need in the afternoon,
I would look forward to that time for myself, that need to just sit and
relax. And there are other things in the chart we can talk about with that
too, but just because I'm a manifesting generator doesn't mean that I'm
going constantly. That just doesn't mean that. And what I've also
recognizes because I have a defined will center, that there could be a
tendency to burn my energy out because I just will myself to continue
working beyond the point where my body is telling me it's time to stop
working. And that I have ... So these conundrums for me, I have this
defined wealth center, but I have the 20-34 and I have the open root. So I
have this pressure to do more, I have the willpower to keep doing more
beyond my capacity. And then I have this manifesting generator energy that
wants to be busy.
And it's all interesting. And I get curious about it a lot. I like to think
about these things. How has it worked in my life? What works best for me?
So now, as I've sunk into being a manifesting generator, as I've sunk into
recognizing the emotional theme, which is anger and frustration and all the
things and the strategy of responding with my sacral and my gut. As I've
sunk into those and really been more aware, I feel like the best way that I
can use my energy as a manifesting generator is to slow down, be patient,
not think that I have to keep going every hour of the day, like it's okay
to have breaks. It's okay for me to sit in the chair and read a book, which
I love doing that. And I also love coloring in my coloring books and that's
okay. Like that's not a real physical thing that I have to do. But I love
to take that mental break time or just that time where there doesn't have
to be a lot going on. I love doing that.
And the other thing is that I recognize that I don't have to figure out all
the time what's next? What if we can just be quiet and patient and wait for
something to respond to? And this is something I've been experimenting with
since I found out about human design, experimenting with this respond
thing. It's not easy to sit back and not want to initiate a bunch of things
and not wanting to get a bunch of projects started, a bunch of things
started. And instead wait for the signs in your life to remind you that oh,
and wait for things to show up and then respond with your gut. Like it
feels so against what I think I should be doing or what we've been taught
to do, even most of us. If you're a business owner, like I am, like we're
taught like you need to go out there. You need to make it happen. You need
to initiate a bunch of things. Go create a bunch of things instead of
waiting for things to respond to.
It's not easy and I have found though that my energy is much better used
when I am in response rather than initiating. So that is the strategy part.
And then I would say that there's a few other things I wanted to talk
about. One other thing is sleep issues. I have had sleep issues throughout
my whole life. And I do wonder if part of it is this manifesting generator
part, which in order to sleep well, I've been told that we should burn our
energy. So if you have this, like for instance, what I've noticed the
difference between me and my husband, my husband does a lot of physical,
moving around. He works on cars. He goes golfing. Like he's much more
physical movement person than me. I'm more like read a book, color, color
my coloring books than like actual physical working on like a project. I
used to do a lot more of that. I used to do a lot of ... I love to decorate
and paint my house and stuff like that. And I don't do that as much
anymore. I think that was a creative outlet for me at one time.
And now I have a business and my business is my creative outlet, but the
business doesn't keep me up and moving around. So I think that there's a
difference. I see with him, he has no problem sleeping. He has never had a
problem sleeping. He is a manifesting generator also. On the other hand, I
have a major problem sleeping. Now, it could also be other things. It could
be hormones. I mean, I've thought of all the different things over the
years of why I have so many issues sleeping, but this I think is a piece of
it, is that I don't get enough physical exercise on a regular basis. And I
know this, I'm aware of it. And yeah, someday maybe. There are days where I
just commit to being more physical. And this is also the up and downs of
manifesting generatorness, in my opinion.
I will start things. I will commit to them. I will commit to them for 30
days. And then I get bored of that and I need to do something else. And I
think that is a manifesting generator trait for me. It's that I need to
keep myself excited and enthusiastic about what I'm working on. So if I
keep myself too boxed in to just doing a certain thing over and over again,
I get bored. And then I have to change to something different. So I think
for me that is a specific trait of my manifesting generatorness.
The other thing I want to say that I have noticed about me being a
manifesting generator is that I tend to have to read probably three to five
books at a time. I mean, I could, and it gets very boring when I try to
focus too much on just one book at a time, it's interesting. I get kind of
bored. So even when I travel, I take two to three books with me just in
case like, I'm like, well, I might be reading that, but I really feel like
reading the other one. So I always take two to three books along. And I
think that probably is something to do. I used to actually judge myself for
that. The why can't I just focus on one book and just get all the way
through? Oh, the other thing, oh, this is fun to talk about books.
And the other thing is that I used to always have to finish the book I was
reading. I mean, whatever book I'm reading. Even if I'm reading more than
one, I have to finish it. I have to finish it all the way through. I won't
let myself put it down. When I found out that I'm a manifesting generator,
I really allowed myself to not have to finish a book. If it's not lighting
me up, if it's not inspiring me, if it's not fun to read, if it's like just
the writing gets really old, I'm just like, I don't have to finish this.
And that was really hard for me for a long time to allow that because it
just felt so unfinished. I used to feel like this pressure, no matter how
boring the book was, I need to finish it. And I remember thinking sometimes
there's something going to happen. Like I just haven't gotten there yet. I
just haven't gotten there yet. And I would have that feeling all the way to
the end of the book. And I'd be so disappointed.
And so recently I'm in a book club online. Oh, what is it called? Literati?
I found this book club online. I've never really been a part of a book
club, but I've always wanted to be part of a book club. And I found this
book club online called Literati and I just thought I would try it out and
just see. See if it it's fun because I've been looking for inspiration to
read different books. So one of my favorite authors is Elin. I don't know.
I call her Elin. I don't know. It could be Elin Hildebrand. That's her
name. She's one of my favorite authors. I love her. She has a lot of beach
reading books and I love the beach and I love her books. So she was
actually hosting one of the book clubs in this Literati app. And so I
started reading.
And so this was the second month that I did her book club. And this month
in particular, I did make it through last month's book. This month's book,
I was reading it and then I went in to check in the group to see what
people were saying about it because I was almost halfway through and I was
just bored. I was just bored. I'm like, what is going on in this book? And
so many people had the same reaction and I just decided, you know what? I'm
not going to finish this book and I put it away and I'm going to bring it
to Goodwill. It's going to be fine. And I just let myself release the need
to why would I "waste my time" reading books that aren't fun?
So that was one thing that I've noticed that I have really allowed myself
to change my behavior on. And it is because I found out about being a
manifesting generator. It is because I found out about feeding my
inspiration, my creativity through being lit up. It's important as
manifesting generators for us to be lit up by what we're doing, by our
projects, by our work feeling fulfilled. And if I'm just reading a boring
book and it's just taking my time, it just doesn't feel fulfilling and I
don't feel lit up.
So that is I think the last thing I want to say about manifesting
generators for today. So that's been my experience. I'm curious what your
experience is. You can DM me on Facebook or on Instagram and let me know,
what is your experience? Is yours different than mine? I'm really curious.
All right, I hope you have a great day.
If you enjoy listening to this podcast, please go subscribe so that you get
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there, please leave me a review and let me know what you think. So excited
to share this with you and can't wait to talk to you next time. Bye.
