If you are a Projector, or love someone who is a Projector, this episode is GOLD! Gayla, Aypril and Sara brought their wisdom to this episode.
Listen in to learn:
- The best sleep habits
- How to clear your energy
- What “The Invitation” really means
- Things to do while waiting for the invitation
- Energy management ideas
- And more!
Aypril Porter is on a mission to help her readers and clients live deep, rich, and authentic lives by giving themselves permission to live according to their Human Design. She is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Courageous Living Life Coach, a Quantum Human Design Specialist, and a Quantum Alignment Practitioner. You can reach her at https://www.ayprilporter.com/
Gayla Gates is a life and wellness coach for female empaths. You can reach her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/gayla.gates.9
Sara Martin is a coach and bodywork practitioner. You can find her on Instagram @welldesignedsara or you can email her at info@welldesignedfamily.com.
If you’d like to dive deeper into your own Human Design, please see https://rebeccatervo.com/design to signup for your personalized session.
Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break
you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the
life you're meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I share
mindset tools, coaching conversations and human design to help you uncover
your unique gifts and create the life, relationships and business you
So welcome, projectors. I am so excited to have the projectors on my
podcast today. Today we have Gayla, Aypril and Sara and I have met all of
these lovely projectors through a mastermind program that we are all a part
of. And so I thought it would be fun for my projector listeners to hear
from actual projectors about what it's like to be a projector. And fun
fact, two of the people on the call today are actual physicians or have
worked as doctors or are doctors. So that's interesting to me in the
thought about what projectors, who they are and how they work. And so I
think to start with, I just want each of you to introduce yourself, short
introduction, who you are, what you've done maybe. Let's start with Aypril.
She's on the top of my screen over there.
Hi, Aypril.
Thank you for having me. So I am currently a human design life coach, but I
have also been a functional nutritional therapy practitioner. I spent 10
years as a medical assistant. I've taught scuba diving. So I have bounced
around and done a few things, but that's where I'm at right now.
Thank you. Sara? I'm going around in a circle.
No, thank you for having me. I'm Sara. And I'm one of the physicians that
Rebecca mentioned. So I am a mama. I have a five year old little man,
emotional manifestor, which was an awakening moment in that. I'm married.
And we have three puppies. I have been trained as a Western medical doctor.
Did residency. I was in a corporate practice for about six and a half
years. And then had something shift in life and human design came in. I'm
currently in a space between. And so I've started a coaching and bodywork
practice. And we'll be opening a creative way of doing medicine within our
current world.
That sounds really interesting. Thank you for being here, Sara. Hi, Gayla.
Hi. So I'm a 5/1 splenic projector. And I have always been a healer. And
for about 20 to 24 years, I spent time in the traditional medical field
working in the lab. That was my first job. I was a lab rat, loved it,
working in the hospital systems. And then went on to do family medicine.
And about, man, I'd say about, maybe about two or three years into the
training in medical school, I was getting tired and was like, "What's going
on?" And then in practice, I just decided after 10 years of full time
practice, I had enough. It was time to move forward. And since then, that's
when I found out about human design. It's been about a year for me now,
almost two, that I found out about it and it's changed my life for sure. So
now instead of working in a busy system, I get to help other people in a
coaching business, healing business, and I'm currently going through shaman
Ooh, that sounds interesting.
So something you said, Gayla, I want to respond to. All right, guys, I'm
the manifesting generator here. I love having conversations so I can
respond to things. So one of the things you said was about learning that
you were a projector. Was it a couple of years ago, you said?
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
So how did that change the way you looked at the way that you were? Let's
start with Gayla, and we'll go around.
My favorite question, because I found out I'm not designed to work. That
was the most liberating thing for me, because I never really liked working,
but I liked what I was doing. I liked the science behind it. I liked the
knowledge behind it. Physically, I just didn't have the same energy levels.
And that made me not like it as much. So I did not understand why I learned
I was empathic. That I didn't know. And that was a part of it, because I
was feeling other people's energy. But when human design came to me, it
gave me the map, it gave me the reason why, and it just opened up this
whole world for me to say, "Okay, how do I best serve? And how do I best
use this energy that I have in the right way for me?"
So that's what happened.
Did you change from your job right away or what happened?
I left five years ago now.
Yeah. So I have been in my quote unquote "deconditioning process" for a
while, because I've been working from home, but I didn't know that's what I
was doing until when I found out about HD and it all made sense. So yeah.
I had already left before I found out.
So intuitively you knew something had to change? Yeah.
I did. Yeah. I was too exhausted. I had no energy and then I had gained a
whole lot of weight. I didn't recognize myself anymore in the mirror. I
didn't feel the joy I used to have for life. And I was burnt out. That was
the end of it. And I was really absorbing everybody's energy in the office.
So I couldn't figure out who I was and who they were. And what was really
fascinating is once I learned I was a fifth line, all of that projection
and you're going to help me and I don't want to see nobody else, but Dr.
Gates energy, it was like, "Oh boy, now I see why it was challenging."
Yes, the line five. Hey, that's such... You guys all have a line five, such
a different conversation about line five. So fascinating. Line five
projectors, that is interesting. How about Aypril? What would you say
happened with your career or your work when you found out you were a
Well, I hit burnout before I found out about human design. So I was 32. I
was a stay at home mom. I thought I should not be this exhausted, I should
not be crashing. I had panic attacks. It was like a whole new world. I just
got thrust into full burnout. My cortisol was tested. It was three in the
morning. I had no reserves whatsoever. And it was a journey back. It took
changing my lifestyle. It took changing what I ate and just a lot of self
discovery and a lot of work in that regard to do things differently,
because I had always had a lot of energy, even knowing now as a projector.
I had a lot of energy. I went and I did and I did. And with my open root, I
felt the pressure to do things quickly.
So once I traveled through this journey, I found that I really enjoyed
learning about nutrition and wanting to help other people with it. So I
went back to school for that. And I had just graduated, I was working in my
first year in my own space and human design landed in my lap. And I was
like, "What is this thing? I must know about this thing. I don't know what
it is, but I must know." And that was my journey. But once I saw and I
learned about what a projector was, I was like, "Wait, you mean I'm not
supposed to work that hard? This is amazing news." I know a lot of
projectors are like, "Oh my gosh, this is awful," when they hear that
they're projectors, but not me. I was like, "I am all in, this is me, I
recognize this. Yes, thank you."
Yeah. It just felt comfortable, right?
Yeah. It felt like recognition of who I really am.
Yeah. So do you have anybody with sacral energy in your family?
No, I actually... So my mom lives with us. She's a splenic projector. She's
a 5/1 splenic projector. I have two daughters. One is a 5/1 emotional
projector. The other is a 1/3 mental projector. And my husband is a 5/1
manifestor. So there's no sacral energy in this house.
Wow, that's amazing. I was trying to figure out where you were getting that
drive or maybe it was your root that you said that you felt this pressure.
Yeah, I think the open root and then I had worked in the medical field. I
was a medical assistant for 10 years. And so being around people all the
time, I was really great at my job, because I could go and do things very
Yeah. So maybe you were borrowing their sacral energy. You were probably
around sacrals.
Yeah, absolutely.
Awesome. So, Sara, what was your experience when you found out you're a
So I initially found out in 2019. I was on a trip with three other women
and one of them had a textbook on human design and I was sitting in the
back seat and I was reading. I was like, "Give me all your chart
information, all three of you now." So I was running charts in the car and
I was like, "Whoa, these three are generators and I'm the only protector.
Huh? This is super interesting." And so I started listening and I started
teaching them immediately about being a generator. It was really fun. We
learned all about the sequel response and we started playing with it
And I remember the next day we were at this condo in California and they
were all three of them were like, "Let's go to Joshua Tree and let's go
hike and hike and hike." And I was like, "I just read about being a
projector. I don't think that's a good use of my energy to do. I think I
need to stay at the pool and read this textbook." So I spent the whole day,
read the whole textbook, ran my child chart and my husband's chart. And I
can remember reading her chart and being like, "Oh, this all makes sense.
Her anger got it." And could make sense of my husband's amplifying it and
what's going on with me. And it was really this week up piece of like, oh,
there's something here. The work part wasn't something I was ready to
accept though. It was like I couldn't even see that, like as a projector I
wasn't meant to work, I was the breadwinner, I was part time but still
working 70 to 80 hours some weeks, delivering babies in the ER.
And I got back to work and I ran... I'd a medical scribe and a nurse that
were just with me and I ran their charts and they were both generators. And
I was like, "Huh, okay." And I could tell, I had that scribe with me and
all call shift and then I wouldn't have them on the weekend shifts and I
would be done. And I just started recognizing that combination of the
energy. And for me being so open, I think we had talked about two define
centers. So my throat is defined and my G center is defined. So I've got a
lot of head pressure, a lot of root pressure. And then I can take that
sacral energy in and amplify it. And so I did. I thought I was super woman,
which totally fit the perception of medical school and residency and
working in this really intense work environment. And it was like, but I'm
not designed that way.
And it took my husband learning with me and witnessing it. And he would be
like, "Yeah, and you need to go take a bath and be by yourself. And we're
going to rearrange rooms so that you are sleeping by yourself." So he was
able to help me create environments that helped me start recognizing what
was mine and wasn't mine. And that's been a really powerful part of this
work journey. So now I've been out of corporate medicine for about six
months now. And starting to finally feel that excitement and joy in service
and healing again, that was really always there. And so I'm just excited to
see this next level of the mastermind, how far that brings me in that
understanding about the working as a projector.
And I feel like we even need to change the word work. Yeah. I just ran my
family's chart growing up. My mom, dad, and my brother, are all generators.
So in that, I was the hardest worker. I got the most things done. And so it
was really hard for me to accept that, that was never actually my energy.
Like here I am, 35, 36 years old being, "Oh, that's been borrowed. Okay,
now I understand that when I'm done with a 24 hour shift, it takes me a
week to recover." And that's not necessarily true for a man gen or a gen.
And so for me, it's brought compassion back to myself of being like, oh,
now this makes sense. Okay. I cannot play with that.
And I think that's another part of my design with work, because I'm a 3/5.
And so that three part of me, just wanted to like, let's just try this,
here's our experiment, let's try this for a week. And realizing that my
right environment is so important to be able to express that. And I think
that five energy too, I'm not sure, yeah, the five energy of being that
projection field, that visionary leader piece, the right environment and
the right people make so much of a difference in the lived experience. So I
think I answered.
Thank you for sharing. Yes, you've totally answered the question. The next
question, for some reason that popped in my head, even though you didn't
say anything about it, I want to talk about the invitation, because I think
that's a part that a lot of us or a lot of projectors are like, "What? I
have to wait around now?" And we'll start with you, Aypril, first for this
one. What does that feel like to you? When you're like, okay, I have to
wait for an invitation, what does that mean to you? Or how has this played
out well in your life?
Honestly, I think that this was probably one of the more difficult aspects
for me. So this is my sixth year in human design. And I have swung that
pendulum far both directions, like waiting for the invitation for
everything and not waiting for the invitation for anything, just charging
it. And what I've really come to see is that the invitation is like we put
so much focus on the actual invitation, but it's really about the
recognition. Are we being recognized for us? Are we being recognized for
what we contribute and respected for it? You see something in me that you
respect and you want to know more of, you want my help specifically with,
because you really respect that or are you just looking for somebody to
fill this role? And you know that I'll probably say yes.
So there's a difference in that. And when you can define that quality for
you of what that feels like to be recognized for who you truly are and what
you can contribute without having this expectation or this feeling that
anybody could fulfill this role if they were just willing to say yes. I
think that's the invitation for me.
So it feels energetically right too, somehow, right? It clicks. Yeah.
Yeah. It's not just any invitation. It has to be right. It's also aligning
with that inner authority, like is this right for me and do I feel
recognized for me?
What has been your experience that you recognized, oh, that wasn't me being
invited? Or have you had any of those? I assume you have.
Absolutely. Well, if you're waiting around, you're waiting for an
invitation, then one finally comes along and you're like, "Yes, I say yes."
You're just so excited to have somebody invite you. But if you don't take
the time to really sit with it and go, "Is this about me specifically or is
this just an invitation being thrown out there," I think that we can say
yes to things that we really don't mean to say yes to or don't want to in
the long run. And then those things usually fall apart. They don't sustain
Yeah. So maybe also not leaning into your authority to see is this the
right invitation for me.
Yeah. And being emotionally defined. There's no 100% clarity in that. For
me, it's like what does it feel like if I say yes to this? Is this
something I'm going to feel good about? Can I see myself further down the
road with this decision still enjoying this? And that may change, of
course, but at this point with the information I have, does it feel right?
Thank you. Thank you for telling us. I'm just curious, Gayla. Is your
experience the same with invitations or how has that worked for you?
Yeah. So I know for a lot of people, it does create this holding pattern
for them. But really when you think about a projector, we're doing more
than waiting. When we're here, the more I learn about how our energy works,
we're cleaning the energy of the atmosphere. We're doing things to help
bring in the higher consciousness, even when we're quote unquote "resting."
So for me, it's finding value in both roles that the projector plays. And
then when we think about our energy really being a premium, why would I
ever want to waste it doing something that's not in a line for me?
So it's really legit owning what it means by energetic definition to be a
projector. So I don't mind waiting, because it's really not waiting for me,
it's more alignment than anything. And I've done a lot of work, I've done a
lot of things that were not aligned and they felt terrible, they were
exhausting, I didn't enjoy it as much. And I was just like, "I don't want
to do that anymore." So the other piece of it too, for me, is waiting
really isn't necessarily waiting is connecting with spirit. That time that
I'm not in a person's face or doing something one on one with someone in
that guiding role, I'm interfacing with spirit, I'm taking care of myself.
So it's not really waiting at all, it's really just alignment.
It's amazing. Yes. You need to create space to have alignment. It's like if
you're constantly going around looking for the invitation, you're not
really relaxing into alignment, is what I heard you say.
Yeah. It doesn't make sense. You're not even doing what you're supposed to
do correctly and in the right way, you're still trying to be another type.
Yeah, exactly. So Sara, I know me though, I'm just thinking, oh my gosh, I
can't even think about just waiting around. Anyway, it's okay. So Sara,
what is your response to this question about how does it feel to wait for
an invitation or what does an invitation look like for you or feel like for
I love what both Aypril and Gayla said. They're just spot on. And I think
that recognition in the waiting, all those pieces of the recognition, the
wait and the invitation all have their own season in that. And for me,
initially I was resistant. I was like what do you mean you have to wait for
like an invitation for a house or a job or big things? And I think that's
something that's talked about in HD is like the invitation of projector of
the big things. And sometimes I started taking it like... I think Aypril
was alluding to it like, do I have to wait to be invited to call somebody
or do I have to wait for somebody to invite me to choose where we go to
eat. And it's like it's not those little things. You follow your joy in
those little things and then those big invitations come along
And I also think it's important to practice, because sometimes we don't
know what it feels like. And so to have somebody in your life you're like
can you practice inviting me so I can know what it feels like to be
invited. And the other piece is that the invitation is formal. So I have
noticed when people are like, "Yeah, I'd really like to do this with you,"
and it's just offhanded, not formal at all, I'm like, "Is that actually an
invitation? I can't really tell." And so recognizing what it is to be
formally invited and what that feels like. And then also the wait piece,
sometimes that you hear wait and it just feels like you have to sit on your
hands or I'm just like wait and see.
And Gayla and I really processes this spring as we were going through
upheavals and housing and job things. And we were both like, "Oh, the wait
is to get ready for the party." So you to be able to say yes to the
invitations, the waiting isn't just like a sit around and sit on your step
for somebody pulling your driveway, because that may happen to projectors.
It happened to me this week. Fascinating. People literally just pulled into
my driveway looking for me, they're going to find us. As projector energy,
you can't make it up. And at the same time you want to be ready, you want
to be rested, you want to be connected to spirit, you want to know what
lights you up, you want to know your audience so that you're ready for when
that invitation comes, so you can say yes. And I think that's a whole shift
in the energy around that recommendation.
So what I hear you saying is for business owners, and you guys all are
business owners, it's about being prepared for the invitation. So even if
there's not an invitation at the moment, it's like, well, there's many
things all of us can do when we own businesses to be prepared for the thing
that's going to come along. And so that recognition. So there's a feeling
even, I know several of you in different ways may have said it, the feeling
of recognition, like is this an actual you're recognizing me or you're just
throwing out something, oh, someday it would be nice to... That happens to
all of us. Somebody just mentions an idea, oh, wouldn't it be nice? And you
know how it is, nobody really takes any action on the thing. So it's like
if you jump in as a projector at that point, it might not lead to anything.
Can I also say?
I think that the fifth line plays a role here tremendously, because for me
having all these defined centers and open root and an open sacral and then
having that fifth line and second line energy, which also has the same
feel, it's like people have a need and I'm like, "Oh, I can help." It's
like I was conditioned to run in and help and fix and save so much that
it's hard to undo that. And that was a big part of my deconditioning. And
it still comes up. People in my life know me as the person who will fix the
things. So it comes to me. And I think that, that is part of this whole
process that we're talking about is like that invitation, is like is that
an invitation? Is it truly an invitation? Or is it somebody seeing that I
could do something and I probably will say yes? Or are they recognizing me
and honoring me in that request?
Do you guys feel that way?
Yeah, I would say the formal, deep invitations for me, they have arrived
without pressure. They're presented as a gift. It feels like this precious
gift with this and it's beautifully wrapped. And they're like take your
time, unwrap it. They're not giving it to me half unwrapped or totally
exposed. It's coming to me in this beautiful form. And they're utterly
recognizing me and basically setting this gift of this invitation. And
there's no, I don't have this need to prove or this need to satisfy them. I
don't know if that's resonating with you guys, but it feels really sacred
when it is a correct invitation.
Yeah. For me, it feels like that G center is like, "Oh, you're lighting up
my G center." I'm like, "Yes, that's me, you see me."
For me, it's interesting because I've done this like y'all so many
different ways. And when you're taught to go out and get the invitation,
that's what a lot of projectors hear. And it's funny when our sacral beings
hear, wait, they can't internalize it. So they're like, "What are you
talking about? Wait." So it's so funny when you're listen to projectors
talk, like they're waiting to turn on their stake rule, but that's not what
we're really doing, because that's where the majority of the world hears is
what are you talking about? So it's a lot of confusion, but really it's
just for what I've found is we are becoming the highest version of who we
are so that when someone's ready for what we have to share, they find us.
So it's more about the person that we're here to serve, being ready for
what we have to offer, then me being ready for them, if that makes sense.
They've got to figure out for... Because I have a lot of... I have shocked
in my thing. I believe in my whole job is to get people from being stuck.
That's what my energetic signature is about. I can't get you unstuck, if
you don't want to be unstuck. And I've tried that, especially in my
previous career, because a lot of the people I served, God loved them, they
didn't really want to be unstuck. They weren't really legit inviting me.
They were assigned to me as patients. All two, 3000 of them, but they
didn't necessarily select me. So I used a lot of my energy in a lot of
improper invitations, but now that I get to choose who I work with, it's
more about, okay, I'm here, let me listen for the cues, if they're really
ready, then they get all the secret sauce.
Yeah. That is so important. Yeah. For people to be ready to shift any of
us. We're not going to shift if we're not ready. So what's the point?
I think that's one of the things that I really had to learn going into
business for myself. I was so excited to talk about nutrition with
everybody. And my family has had it all, like they're done. They hit that
point early on. I was like, but I have these things to share with you, like
this would help you so much. And that was before I learned I was a
projector. And once I did, I was like, "Oh my gosh! I'm trying to share and
guide without permission to do so." And once I realized like, oh, I can
just say, this is what I do, this is what I know, they can know that I'm a
resource and when they're ready, they will come and invite me.
So instead of pushing, like I was pushing, and it was very repelling. And I
was like, "Why do people not want to change? Why don't they want my help?
Why don't they want my help?" But I had these amazing things to share. So
that was a big learning piece for me. But yeah, once I recognized, oh, with
the invitation, I can share all of this and I can save it for the people
who really want it. And it's rewarding that way.
Yeah. I had a question about, so when you have your own business, do you
have an email list and a social media platform? Do you feel invited by the
people then who sign up for your email list to share with them through
emails? I'm just curious about that part?
For me, I feel like the email, yes. And I feel like sometimes social media,
but I don't really enjoy social media. I find it very exhausting, to say
the truth. I would much rather have a really weird deep conversation with
someone one on one than to talk to a whole mass of people who may or may
not be hearing. Let's go deep and weird and I'm all in.
And also, Aypril, you're a five too. So I would think that, that more feels
like more one on one conversations, the two line, right?
So I'll pop that and I'll do some social media and then I'm like, "Okay,
I'm done now, done so well." And then I'll feel inspired and I'll throw
some stuff back up there. And that's just how it goes. And I've noticed,
because I've tried to play with that and push that more where I show up
more consistently and it doesn't really make more results for me. It's like
people actually engage more when I disappear for a while and then I show up
when I feel inspired than if I just keep pushing content out.
Do you have a 12 anywhere? I'm just curious.
I do. My 12 is my life's work. So it's about saying it when you're
emotionally ready, which I'm still learning. Anyways, so Gayla or Sara, do
either of you have anything about social media and email lists, how do you
use them?
I love social media. I'm a social person anyway. So I usually find
something to post every day to inspire people. But it's shifted from more
about something very simple, then there's long teachings. And sometimes I
still do, I really play around with it, but I have my own Facebook group.
So in that group, I give more of myself and talk more of myself about what
we're doing and more of a coaching or healing or guiding in a way. But on
general social media, not as much. What's interesting to me, I agree with
Aypril because it's a fifth line energy. We really shouldn't be tapped in
all the time. I've learned that just recently. So it's funny. I never feel
comfortable just doing video. People have video content and they just post
this video content and I'm like, "Well, who's looking at the video?" But I
feel really comfortable doing audio, doing a podcast or writing.
So it's interesting. But in person, I don't mind talking in person and
being on a panel or being a guest speaker. So it's fascinating how it feels
on that end of it. But what's interesting though, the best clients come
from referrals for me. They really do. They come from other people that
I've worked with. So I don't know how much of that marketing and social
media matters. But when I work with someone, then they usually bring me the
best clients. And they usually say yes, they're ready. There's no sales
involved. They're like, "Yeah, my friend told me about you. And then it's
like where do I sign up?" It's less work for me, which is fabulous.
That is fabulous. And I'm curious about you being a projector, having a
Facebook group. Here's what I have thought about Facebook groups is they
take a lot of work. I don't know. I don't have a Facebook group. I avoid it
at all costs. But I'm curious, Gayla, so you thought it was good. Is this a
marketing strategy for you, the Facebook group?
It's more about community and it definitely is marketing too, because
depending on what post I put on I'll invite people, because I'm really
interested in gathering the leaders of the new consciousness. So they'll
come in the group. And then I've taught, I did a 30 day teaching series one
time where I just popped on and taught something new for 30 days. So it's
really nice to have. What I say is effective in terms of business that is
growing. It's still real small. So I'm not quite sure if I can say it does
or doesn't, but I know people feel safe there and it's been a pretty
consistent space. So it doesn't feel like work, but I don't... Work is a
four letter word, if you will, now. So I have just tried to remove it from
my vocabulary in my psyche. So it doesn't feel like work because it feels
like social hour to me, because that's how I get my attention for it now.
And so the ladies in the group could probably tell you more about what they
get from it. Yeah.
Yeah. Thanks for bringing it up though, because I'm curious about the
Facebook group thing. So Sara, as far as you go social media, email lists,
do you have that going on?
We just opened our business this summer. And so I've just been really
playing with things. So just starting to get an email list going. And what
I wanted to share around social media, so I agree with both Aypril and
Gayla. I think our fifth lines play out in very interesting ways in social
media. You really can't mitigate the projection field. And so it can be
really intense energy, both positive and less positive experiences. And so
being aware of that fifth line, it plays out on the internet and it's
always there.
So one of the things I wanted to share though, what I have found
interesting is as a physician, I was in a lot of physician mom groups. And
so there's all these different gentle physician mamas or no drama mamas,
and they're all doctor groups. And that's actually how I found Gayla was in
a doctor group. And she had posted in a leadership group. Somebody was
asking, "Well, how do I handle this dynamic at work?" And I think she was
like, "Well, in human design." And I was like, "Human design? Like Gayla,
who are you?" And so we became friends through that. And I've actually met
quite a few other physicians that will just drop little hands around human
And recently just there's a new group that was formed for physicians who
are interested in human design. And it's been a really cool way of bringing
those communities together. We have a shared experience in our training and
our shared experience in looking at how human design played out in this
medicine. And so I think there's just a lot of ways that social media can
help you find your people. And I would say in my business and its current
little baby state, in baby state, it's been word of mouth. So I'm in a
building with me and Jen, and she just fills my schedule. And I get to just
love and our people and participate in that healing way. And I find myself
in like, "I should be marketing and I should be doing these things." And
I'm like every week my schedule fills from word of mouth and it's just a
beautiful exchange.
And so I think just that idea that as projectors, we want to be here for
everybody, but we're here for specific people who are ready for what we're
here to offer. And to honor the beauty in that, especially being
conditioned to this quantity over quality world we mostly grew up in and
are still trying to shift in, of this is really about quality and not
quantity. And that it's not necessarily about reaching the masses, it's
about reaching the people that we're here to serve and guide.
Awesome. Thank you so much. I love that. And I have another... I think this
might be the last conversation as I'm looking at the time. I could talk to
you guys for a long time. This is lovely. Thank you so much for being here.
I have this question about sleep, because Sara, you're the one that talked
about separate rooms. Do you literally have a separate room? That's so
There's like future lives. Well, a little bit of challenge. So my daughter,
she had just weaned. And so once I found out human design, but once I found
it out and my daughter, she's a manifestor, and my husband's a generator
and me a projector. And so in the human design world, really sacral beings
should not be sleeping in the same room as non sacral beings, because of
the energy exchange all night. And so we started witnessing this. And so we
were like, no, we're all going to separate bedrooms. And it certainly does
not work perfectly, but we can tell a difference in each of our energy
waking up in the morning if we are able to remain separated. And just for
any mamas out there, you have a sacral child or even with my Everly, she
ended up in my bed in the middle of the night last night. And if I can turn
my back to her, if we can go back to back, I actually get much better sleep
than if we're heart to heart.
And I haven't quite figured out the dynamics of that or if I can be in a
king size bed and she's on one side and I'm further on the other, so we can
be in the same bed, but if we can get a little bit of space, we definitely
get better sleep. But now I'm like, you can feel it. When you're in a hotel
room or an Airbnb and you're sharing a room, I'm like, "Oh, I can feel that
sacral energy." I'm like, "I'm not supposed to be in it like this." My
husband has been very gracious being and he knows his world's happier if
his girls are happier. So he's like, "You girls need your own rooms." He's
happy to keep the sacral to his self.
That's super interesting. Aypril or Gayla, do you have any experience with
this sleeping with sacral beings? Yeah.
For sure, I definitely do. But what's interesting, the energy that I think
bothers me more than a sacral is actually the emotional solar plexus in the
root, because the sacral feels very even to me. And I've spent time with
sacred beings on trips or depending on how their energy frequency really
is. So I don't know if it's just a sacral, but that emotional solar plexus
is wears me out. That is what I tap into in the root more than the sacral.
The sacral juices me up a little bit, but I love sleeping alone. I never
had a problem sleeping alone. And I think when we're talking about
relationships and even little bitty babies. Like if I've babysit someone, I
do not have children, but when I babysat them and they want to get cleaned,
I'm like, "Come get it. I can't hold this baby all night."
So I absolutely love sleeping alone. I can feel a difference when someone's
in the bed with me, for sure. But it's interesting even in a hotel room,
now, just one person. I cannot share a room with more than one person,
especially a hotel. No, I've always bought. Projectors buy your own hotel
room, do not feel to share with your friends and family. Pay extra money.
And that's what I have done. And it's wonderful. And you can get an
adjoining room. Don't feel guilty. So having maybe one person in there in
their queen size bed away from me, that's okay. But otherwise, it's very
fascinating to see the difference when someone's there and when someone's
Thank you for sharing that. This is such great wisdom. I'm so glad you guys
share it. I have this question from projector clients. So I really have to
sleep alone. And honestly, I have all my own reasons for really wanting to
sleep alone as a manager. But you know what I mean? Struggle with my
husband. You go sleep somewhere else. But yeah, when they ask that
question, I'm like, "I don't have this experience." So I'm super happy that
you guys are sharing this. Aypril, did you have anything to add to that
Well, my whole house, nobody has a sacral. All of our bedrooms are stacked.
They're in this little box of the house. So all that sleeping energy is in
the same area of the house. But generally it's okay, but I do sleep better
if I can sleep totally alone. So even without the sacral, I feel like
projectors do just sleep better alone. All the little sounds, all the
little things that are happening are just distractions. And just having
another energy being there, whether it's sacral or not, just that energy
being is like I'm trying to plug into them. It's like where's your G
center, I'm trying to get who you are all the time as a project. And so I
think that always there's a level of disruption. It's like an awareness
that's there, even when you're sleeping. That's what I think is
I agree with that exactly.
As you're saying I could add one more thing. I know it's not possible for
everybody given their house situation or their family situation for
everybody to have their own room. But something that we started playing
with was that laying flat. And I read that a few different places for the
non sacral beings to lay flat and for an extended period of time before
sleep. And so if you are a projector or a reflector or a manifestor, and
you're not able to sleep separately from someone, there's not possibility
for room or you've so many kids and kids have to share rooms, if you can
help your non sacral people get into the habit of laying flat and really
letting that discharge and even preferably before somebody else is in that
room, that will at least help discharge that energy before there's a
re-entry of the energy.
And so I think there's different ways. It sounds so extreme when we're like
we all want our own rooms all the time. And I just want to represent,
that's not possible for everyone in their current season. And it might be
something to work towards or be creative with how you set up your house.
And at the same time that laying flat is a really powerful. And I can now
recognize, if you are a projector and you're in a work situation and for
whatever reason, it's overwhelming, you've that burnout, when you get home
say I really need an hour to lay flat and really create these moments for
you to discharge the energy from your different environments so you can be
present. And that's one thing I wish I would've known as a child, because I
think it would've made a big difference.
Something else that I've done is they have those big body pillows. I put it
in front of me. Like what Aypril was talking about, feeling into that G
center. And when Sara was like back to back doesn't bother her as much,
it's true. And I've tried it out before where my partner may be in the room
and I'll put a pillow between us and you can feel it. Even on the couch, if
you have guests over, just put a pillow in front of you. It's amazing. I
can legit feel the energy be absorbed by the pillow. And it's no longer
coming straight at me. It's fascinating to watch, especially if you're in a
heated discuss or something and you're just there, you're visiting family,
just grab a pillow or you put your purse in front of you or something and
it will block some of that.
Wow. I have not heard of some of these things before. Thank you. This is
amazing. I'm going to have a whole list, here's what the projector wisdom
said. There's going to be a list of all the things. Here's you could try
this, this, this and this. Super fun.
Yeah. I think that, that was such a great point that you made Sara, about
laying flat, because that is one thing that we all do in our house. We all
go to our rooms and lay flat and read a book or even download a Netflix
show on our iPads and watch that, because we're lying flat. And that allows
that energy to discharge. Even though we're not sacral beings here, we're
interacting with people through Zoom even, which is a thing. We can pick up
that energy through Zoom. It's not just being in that physical space with
somebody where we feel it. And my husband and I have been on off schedules
our entire relationship. I go to bed hours before he does. And it's
fantastic. I will say that. And he stays in bed longer than I do in the
morning. We're just off that schedule a little bit from what is typical and
it's amazing for us, because we both get time in the bed alone to actually
get that deep sleep.
Yeah. I wanted to say this too, because I think part of ushering in the new
consciousness is maybe ushering in how we do relationships and the
traditional way of you see a married couple in there. That's what we're
traditionally used to, but I really believe we're going to open up the door
to make your relationship what you need it to be and want it to be. And all
these traditional stereotypes and rules and expectations, it's just not
serving a lot of us in many ways. And I think if we're honest enough, we
can say, "I love you, but I really would like my own room." It doesn't mean
your marriage is falling apart. But those that have that is important to
them to be together in the same bed, that's fine.
I just think we should open up the discussion. And I wanted to say that
because I know somebody out there is like, "Thank God somebody else said
it." I really think it's okay. And it doesn't mean you don't love them. But
we do have a responsibility to educate those around us as to why we may
need that time, because they may feel and take it personally. But usually,
I call it my sacred sleeping room. Like it's my sacred room and I go in
there, but it's not against anyone else in the house. But I really think
we're going to be shifting, shaking it up a little bit how we do
relationships, especially when you really learn human design.
That is such another topic. Wow.
I think that, that piece that we're talking about is sleeping and rest is
so important to avoiding the bitterness, because for me as a projector and
my family, I've seen all the time, when we get tired, we get bitter. We're
like, "Get out of my space, leave me alone, what do you want?" And we get
really short with one another, because we just need to retreat and half
time alone. So I think that the bitterness can come from multiple areas.
But I think the biggest thing that I have seen is that bitterness comes
from being tired and not having enough alone time.
That's a good one too. So added to all the things. Oh my gosh! This is such
a great conversation. Thank you so much for bringing your wisdom. And I
just want to go around one last time and maybe you can tell people if
they're interested in finding out more about you, where's the best place
for them to reach you. Let's do that. Aypril, I want to start with you.
So I have a website, ayprilporter.com. I have a book that's coming out in
December. It's called parenting the child you have. It's human design
parenting. It's for parents, but it's also for people who want to look back
at their childhood through a different lens. And for me, I have changed and
shifted relationships with my parents through my understanding of human
design, even though they're not into it. My mom is, but my dad is
definitely not. And that helped a lot. So yeah, my book is coming out in
December. My website is where you can find me ayprilporter.com.
Thank you. And Sara, how about you?
So email would be great, info@welldesignedfamily.com. In the process of the
website making, but not quite there. And then Instagram, I'm at the handle
welldesignedsara, S-A-R-A. You can find with name.
Thank you so much. Gayla?
Yeah. So the best way to find me would be on social media. So Facebook
under Gayla, G-A-Y-L-A, Gates, G-A-T-E-S. Or sista path soul is the group
and that's S-I-S-T-A P-A-T-H S-O-U-L. And that's the Facebook group. Sista
path soul Sangha, S-A-N-G-H-A. So it's a community. And then on Instagram,
it's sistapathsoul.
Wow. You guys even though you're projectors, you're everywhere. This is
great. I'm excited to talk more to you later. I'm happy to have you on the
podcast again if there's a specific topic. I can see Aypril, something
about books and parents. And that sounds fascinating. Yes, there's so much
good stuff here. So thank you so much for joining me today and we'll talk
Thank you.
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