Jamie Berman is a Master Certified Life Coach and has a background in Spiritual Psychology. Today she tells the story about building a successful business that wasn’t in alignment, how she got burnt out as a Generator type, and what she did to find alignment in her business.
Listen in to learn about some of the following:
- How Generators can feel when they are burnt out
- Why “following the rules” for building a business wasn’t sustainable for Jamie
- How Jamie built an aligned business
- How Jamie takes care of her energy
- And more….
Jamie helps coaches master the art of soulful manifestation so they can make their first 6-figures and beyond. You can find out more about her work at https://jamieberman.com or on Facebook and Instagram.
Are you tired of following the rules, and not seeing results? Come to a Business Breakthrough Session to find out what your unique path to success is according to your Human Design!
Check out the details at https://rebeccatervo.com/design
On today's episode, I'm so excited to bring on my friend and fellow life
coach, Jamie Berman, and she's also a 1/4 personality profile in Human
Design, and that isn't a very common personality profile, so it's really
fun to talk with her about things like that. But I wanted to let you know
that we talked little bit in this episode about burnout, and I am going to
be doing, in the near future, a episode totally about burnout. This is me
informing you that I have been through a health scare in the past few
weeks, and I want to talk about all of the signs that I missed, or the
things that I did or didn't do, because I am a people pleaser.
Once again, I always say, I'm a recovering people pleaser, and I still find
myself ignoring my own body needs and my own health needs and trying to
really build from an empty place, so I think it's an important episode. I
want to do that pretty soon, but I wanted to make sure that I had enough
time to really contemplate the lessons here and what happened in the past
several years that I didn't pay attention to. So, look for that episode
coming up.
In other episodes I would like to do, I would like to do a manifester
panel. If it makes sense, if I can find some manifesters out there who
would like to get together on a panel, it might be interesting. It might be
an interesting discussion, but I really enjoyed having the projector panel.
And I also want to do a generator and a manifesting generator panel, so
those are some episodes I have coming up in the near future. Because of the
health place I'm at right now, I am definitely scaling back on some plans.
Things aren't going as planned because of the health thing I need to deal
with. I'm going to talk about that in a future episode, so watch out for
Now let's join Jamie Berman.
Welcome to Beautifully Bloomed, the podcast where we explore how to break
you out of the box of rules and beliefs that are holding you back from the
life you are meant to live. I'm your host, Rebecca Tervo. Join me as I
share mindset tools, coaching conversations, and Human Design to help you
uncover your unique gifts and create the life, relationships, and business
you desire.
Today I'm joined by Jamie Berman, who is a certified master coach through
The Life Coach School with a background in spiritual psychology. I'm so
excited to talk with you today, Jamie.
Me too. I'm excited to be here.
Yes. Thank you for coming. And what's so fun, and for those who know about
Human Design, we're both 1/4 profiles, which there's not a lot of us out
there, so when I meet another 1/4 I'm like, "Oh, oh my people."
Yay. Yeah, so something we do have in common, we're 1/4, and then what we
don't have in common is you're a sacral generator and I'm an emotional
manifesting generator. So there are some differences, but I love the fact
that you know about Human Design and you had me in your program, and we
talked about ... Oh, it was so fun. So first of all, how did you find out
about me, or how did we meet? Tell me what-
Well, you're famous. You're the Human Design go-to, and oh, yes. And so I
saw your name in the coaching posse so many times that I just ... I don't
know. And I've always been interested in Human Design. I knew some of the
general pieces of it, until I had a session with you and we did a deep dive
and that was amazing. So yeah, I think it was just through The Life Coach
School Facebook page. I was like, "Yeah, she's the go-to."
Yeah. And I think I had heard about you because ... maybe it was because
you worked for The Life Coach School or something.
I mean, it seemed like a famous name, I don't know, or because you're a
master coach. It feels like the master coach names at one point were really
more prevalent or something, and there was something about that.
There were only a couple of us in the beginning.
Yes. I think that, yeah, you're not a newer master coach, right? The other
thing I was going to say, what was fascinating is when you reached out to
me, I found out that you were actually ... Were you born in Marquette or
were you raised ... something.
Yes. Born. Yup, born in Marquette.
Yes. I was like, "You're kidding me." That's the town next to me.
Right. Yes, we're Yoopers.
Yes. I was like, "Oh, I rarely meet a Youper who's in the life coaching
For sure. Right. [crosstalk 00:04:32]
It's so rare. I'm like, "What?" So, that was fun too, so we do have some
interesting connections.
And so it's super fun to have you on today, and I thought we would start
with ... We talked a little bit beforehand about the spiritual psychology
thing and life coaching, and I'm curious, how did you come to want to be a
life coach? Or was this always ... I don't know. What's your background
before coaching?
Yeah, so I was actually a makeup artist before.
So I did, yeah. In college I studied retail merchandising and fashion, and
within that I got into makeup just because we did fashion shows and I was
like, "Makeup's way more fun than making clothes and how long that takes
and all of that." So I got into makeup and I did that for about 10 years
and when I was about, I think it was, 23 is when I went freelance and
started my own makeup company. I did makeup for all kinds of things, for
movies, for fashion, for celebrities.
It was awesome. It was one of those things where I moved out to LA. I
fulfilled my dreams in it. By the time I was 25, I was like, "Well, this is
about as good as it gets in terms of being a makeup artist." But I noticed
the closer I got to my dreams, the more it just didn't feel aligned and I
just wasn't satisfied. It was one of those things where I'm doing these
movies and I'm getting credits, but I'm sitting here on set for 16 hours a
day waiting to powder a man, you know? It was not very creative at times
and it just didn't feel in alignment.
And I think what was funny is I've always been a coach, right? I've always
been a person that my friends would come to. And then in the makeup chair,
oh, my gosh, I was coaching. I didn't even realize it, but people would
just start telling me everything. And I didn't even know what a life coach
was, but I was just searching for a purpose around 25 years old and
discovered a life coach, and I thought, "That looks amazing." And slowly
but surely I just started getting coaching, and that helped so much that I
decided I wanted to be a coach.
And it really evolved. It started with health coaching, then it was weight
coaching, and it's evolved into money coaching. So, it's been this fun
evolution and such an opportunity for growth. Oh, my gosh.
Yeah. I mean, it sounds ... Wait, this question's going to niggle at me for
a while. Is there a real famous movie you were part of? I'm curious.
I wasn't, yeah-
What's the best one?
I wasn't involved in any really famous movies, but just lots of independent
films. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. I was just like, "Oh no, we have to find out."
I've done some music videos. I've done Kelly Clarkson music video.
Oh, my gosh.
I've done Robyn. I did a commercial with her. So, it was a lot of odd
projects all over the place. It was fun.
That's so cool. I mean, I don't know why it is that we want to hear the
famous names.
You just, like, "Wait, you have to tell that, otherwise I can't go on with
the interview."
I love it.
OK. I know. Too curious. Okay, so great, so that's an interesting
background to go from makeup. I've heard this about hairdressers too, that
have come to life coaching. They're like, "Well, I was a life coach
Yes. Exactly.
And I know what it's like sitting ... And for some reason, sitting in the
hairdresser's chair, I'll tell them everything they ever wanted to-
Yes. You really learn how to hold space.
I don't know what that is. It's just like, "Oh, this is so relaxing." I
don't know. Maybe you, as the client, you open up, or it's just a relaxing
place to be and you just let it all hang out. And then you told me that you
went to this program called Spiritual Psychology, so what is that?
Yeah. It's at the University of Santa Monica. It's actually ... I found out
about it because I was living in LA doing makeup, and my first life coach
that really helped me had gone to the school. So it was my only point of
reference of like, "Oh, this is what you do if you want to be a coach."
So, I looked into the program and it was just absolutely amazing. I took
basically two and ... Yeah, it was about two years that I studied there, so
the first course was called Soul-Centered Living, which is really just
helping you let go of so much. Like I was telling you, it's kind of like
the program was doing a deep inner retreat every single month. We would
meet up for a month, every single weekend, with my entire class, and it was
like therapy mixed with spiritual teachings mixed with coaching. I mean, it
was just deep inner work for two years.
And then the second program that I did in there was Consciousness, Health,
and Healing, so learning, really, the inner workings of healing and health.
It's its own class.
Interesting. Yes, well, and so then you went to Life Coach School and you
took the coaching concepts along with what you had learned there, and
that's probably why your program is about-
It's magic.
Yes, kind of magic stuff like manifestation.
Yes, yes. It's that combination, yeah, like mixing the mindset piece with
my background and spirituality and everything that I've learned through
Yeah. It's been magical bringing it together.
Yeah. That's so fun. There was a story you said you wanted to tell about
... You said you had different businesses, right? You tried some different
And part of the thing that I always want to ... One of my main messages is
we're here, we're all unique. We all have a unique way of being successful
in our business. But you were saying that you had the rules you tried to
follow. What has your journey been like through trying to follow the rules
[crosstalk 00:10:28]
Oh, my gosh. A journey. Yeah. Finally, finally, after ... I mean, this is
my fifth year coaching, my third year certified through The Life Coach
School. But I finally feel like I'm fully in alignment with my business and
just being fully me, because whenever I started, of course, like my first
year, I'm like, "How do I do it? I don't know. I don't have the answers
within me, so let me go learn all the things and just implement them." But
what I found was I was not checking in with myself. Didn't even know that I
had permission to check in with myself, like, "Hey, does this feel right to
me? Does this feel like the way that I want to be doing it?" Because of
course I thought it was the way.
So yeah, I picked the niche. I feel like I did everything in business from
my head. I did it as like what I should be doing and these are the rules.
So I picked the niche, I ran the ads, I followed the schedule perfectly,
and I just felt so out of alignment, and that it was again, where it was
like, "Gosh, I love coaching. I'm making money. But again, here I am burnt
out feeling like I did when I was doing makeup." And I was like, "What is
this? Why is this happening again? I love coaching, but it just ...
I remember ending the year in December and I was like, "I hit that
impossible 100K goal," but I felt so the opposite of abundant, you know? It
was like, "Sure, there's money there, and I've helped people, but I'm
depleted. My cup is not full." And that was when I realized, something's
got to change, because I don't want to do business this way.
And that's when I was like, "You know what? I'm just going to drop the
rules. I'm going to drop the things that I'm kind of forcing myself to do
because I think I should be doing them, and just settle down a little bit
and I'm going to see." It was my second year after being certified where I
was like, "You know what? I'm going to do 100K again, but I want to do it
from full alignment. I want to see if I can just do the things that I want
to do." And of course at that time, I didn't even know I was a generator,
but it makes sense. Only do the things that light you up, right?
And of course, I made more than 100K that year because I was actually just
so much more in alignment.
What did it feel like as a generator to be burnt out? What were the
symptoms? I'm curious.
Gosh. What I tend to go into is depression. It feels like there is this
dark cloud over me that I cannot move. It just feels like it's just this
dark cloud of negativity, and I tend to be a pretty upbeat and positive
person, but it just feels like this cloud of fatigue and negativity almost
takes over.
And I just feel like I can't get out of it-
And then-
... that I'm tired. And I almost go into the space of like, "What's the
point of it all?" Right? That's what burnout is for me and fatigue as a
generator, so I had [crosstalk 00:13:39]
Yeah. Unmotivation too, right?
It sounds like, oh my gosh, yes, we could talk about this for a while. Oh,
my goodness, have I been through some burnout lately, but yes, but just
this feeling like ... This has been sometimes where I've been in this past
year. Wait, what's the point of all this? Why am I doing this again?
I teach this to other people, and am I even in alignment for myself?
Right. You see your clients are so happy and they're killing it, and then
you're like, "Wait a minute. Why don't I feel that way?"
Right, so I get what you're saying. That, I think, is a symptom of burnout.
It's when you feel unmotivated, that's like a big sign that something ...
That's a big sign.
Why would you do it if you're not motivated? I mean, you can motivate
yourself. Here's one thing I've learned, a term, I don't know if you've
experienced this, but I use the model against myself a lot, the thought
model, right?
Yeah, yeah.
It's like, "Oh, I can think myself out of this. I can think myself out of
Yes. Yes.
And then taking action from the place of, instead of feeling what's right
for you, thinking your way out of it.
Yes, which doesn't really work. I don't know if it does for you.
It's like a bandaid, right? You can do it for a while.
But what I think happens is you get more and more depleted.
And I, for myself, even notice that I start ignoring the physical symptoms
that I start having. My body will really have physical symptoms now because
I'm ignoring them because I'm thought working my way out of it. I'm fine.
It's all good. I just need to work harder.
Yes. Right, that's the answer. I know.
The answer.
Like, "No, that's not the answer." And I think I'm going to do, actually,
as we're talking about this, I think I need to do an episode on burnout
myself, to tell my story because I have a big one now to tell. But yes, so
I often think that even when we learn about our Human Design and when I was
like, "I'm a manifesting generator. I'm supposed to have energy."
Yeah [crosstalk 00:15:43] right?
So when I think it's generator types, when we don't have energy, it's like,
"Okay, there's something going on here. What is that?"
You're right. Yup.
And there's no thought work about it. We need to find out what's actually
happening, and are we happy in our work? And is there any physical issues?
Yes, exactly. Yes.
Right? So there's some things about that that's happened to me lately and
I'm like, "Okay, obviously, we have to be aware of all the things."
It's a holistic approach.
It's not just thought work. As a Life Coach School graduate, when I first
started coaching, I thought everything was thought work.
Oh yeah, totally.
I'm like, "Oh, you can ... totally get you out of it."
Exactly. Right. I think we all go through that where we're like, "Oh, my
gosh, I feel bad. Let's just create an intentional model."
[crosstalk 00:16:32].
It's like, "How about we process what's going on?" Right? Why don't we look
at that a little bit and not resist it?
Yes. It was super funny, because I look back at those early years of me
being like ... I'm like, "Oh, that is hilarious."
I tried and I looked at everybody's problem like, "Well, you can just think
You know, it's just like a blanket thing. Everybody can just think
[inaudible 00:16:53]
So what is your process now? I'm curious, after a burning, now what is your
process when you're in it?
Yes. Well, I mean, okay. So, I know it's not just thought work, so I know
if there's a physical issue ... No, I'm terrible about physical issues. Oh,
my gosh. Anyways, so it's I need to make sure I'm physically stable first
if there's something physically wrong.
Because if there is, no amount of thought work is probably going to fix
that, right?
And then also reminding myself of my design, like, how do I make decisions,
right, leaning into this decision. And you said that you help women do that
too, right, like lean into your inner authority or your-
Totally. Intuition. Yes.
You call it intuition. Yes.
That's what I tend to call it. Yes.
All of that. Right? It's like, "Okay, my feelings for me, my emotions are
really important because I'm an emotional authority. So what are those
telling me?" I mean, if my emotional energy is consistently low, there's
something going on.
Yes. Yes.
You need to ... There's some, right, that's telling me something and I have
been through this.
Yes, it's just an indicator.
Yes. I've been through those phases this year, in the last six months even.
It's like, "Oh," and you can ignore those too, right?
I learned to ignore them. I'm like, "Nope, just got to keep going."
Is that a generator or manifesting generator thing to be like, "We could
trek through"? I know.
I'm a manifesting ... Oh, no. Here's the other thing, a defined will
center. Do you have a defined will center?
Yes. I do. I do.
I do too, and I think I use it against myself.
I have a lot of will power. Oh, no, I can do it, like I'm so determined.
100% same, 100%. I'm like, "I feel horrible, but I'm going to go work out
today." My trainer's like, "Jamie, go sit down. You don't look that great."
Exactly. Right? And I think being a manifested generator with a defined
will, that has really ... And I've worked that against myself too. I'm
like, "Oh, I have to be aware of that. Oh, my goodness. That is so ..."
And Karen Curry Parker says, "Our will center is about work and rest," work
and ... right? It's like, it works to rest.
And you have to balance that. And I'm like, "But I'm not a projector. I'm a
manifesting ... " you know? So, yes, so it just gets kind of silly. I'm
learning a lot right now. I've learned a bunch of good lessons about that.
So I'm like, okay, I also need to dive back into my own health and my own
good and my own ... And then, as 1/4s, as 1s, for sure, we're here to pass
those lessons on others.
And as 4s, we're here to pass it around to people we know. Guess what? I've
been sending messages to life coaches I know, "Hey, by the way, this is
what happened to me."
I love it.
It's a warning-
Just in case.
Maybe you need somebody to help ... don't know. I know I need to do
something about that. I'm definitely going to be talking about that soon,
but yes. Okay. So we are talking about ... Oh, there's so many good things
to talk about. Well, we started talking about a generator. Well, tell me
this. Since you've learned about your Human Design, which has been ... How
long has it been [crosstalk 00:20:04]
I think it's been about a year and a half.
A year, okay.
But I've gotten deeper and deeper into it throughout the time. Yeah.
Yeah. I'm curious, how has it helped you work well in your business?
Well, I think as a generator, it's like my mantra is always, my energy
attracts clients, my energy attracts business, so I have to prioritize my
energy. It's everything.
Yeah, yeah.
And it's the thing that I tend to, if I'm not careful or conscious of it,
be the last thing that I'm looking at, right, because I can go, go, go and
I can take care of everyone else. And so for me, prioritizing my energy and
what that looks like is on couple different levels. Like you said, one
physically, like my human level, am I taking good care of myself, going to
the trainer twice a week? It's like, that's got to be part of my business
plan because it helps my energy and it helps me just feel like a more
positive person. It's even those physical things that I can do.
And you know, eating healthy, taking care of myself, but also slowing down.
I know this for sure, the less I work and the more I kind of light myself
up in life, the more work lights me up. And then of course everything works
better, but it's just not what we've been taught. It's like, we've been
taught that we have to work 40 hours a week and it should look like this
and you should be doing this thing. So, I have to bring myself back to that
And then, I mean, I dip and I drift in and out of it where sometimes I
catch myself overworking, or even for a month straight where I'm like, "Oh,
my gosh, here I am again. I'm depleted," and I have to bring myself back.
And one thing that helps is the thought work, to remember that I get to do
things my way and that my business doesn't have to look like anyone else's
and I can actually pave the way for women and show them what's possible
when you are in alignment, you're doing things according to what feels best
for you.
So yeah, as a generator, I would say definitely managing my energy, making
sure that I'm taking good care of myself, and then taking care of myself
spiritually. For me, that's meditation, that's reading the books that I
love to read, and just going back and tapping into that light within.
That's how I kind of think of it, like going back to there's this part
within me that just has infinite possibilities that's tapped into all of
it. And when I'm in that space, I'm so lit up, it's like things just
magnetize to me. I don't have to really try so hard. And so, that's huge.
In terms of being a 1/4, that one is one that's kind of newer to me and the
understanding of it. But yeah, I mean, I love to learn and then teach what
I learn. I feel like that's what all of my business has been, right? Like I
said, I did weight coaching before because I lost weight and I was like, "I
got to teach other women with PCOS how to do this."
And so I would teach it, and then it was with money. I did my own
transformational work with money, so I was like, "I got to teach coaches
this." And then it's like with intuition, doing my own work and then I go
teach it. So that's the 1.
And the 4 is just ... This one's newer to my understanding, but I realize
the importance of connection with friends, with other coaches. I just went
on a retreat to Italy with a couple of other coaches, and oh, my gosh, I
came back just lit up as could be, so nourished. And also knowing I love
community and I love creating community. That's why I have a mastermind
because I find that I am able to have a bigger impact in a bigger group. I
just, I've seen it. I love coaching a huge group, you know?
It's like, I get so lit up by that. So yeah, I love doing group coaching,
mastermind, creating community for others too.
Yeah, the line 4 is something I have added back into my life. I mean, we've
been in this weird phase of, right, stay home and don't talk to anybody and
stay six feet apart, all that stuff. No.
Now, I just hosted a craft night at my house the other night. I'm like,
"This actually feeds your business," feeding yourself, finding your own
pleasure, especially with line 4s where we need connection with other human
beings. I was like, "I'm just going to have in-person connection much more
than I have been lately."
Yes, yes.
And I've checked out some volunteer opportunities just so I can get out in
the community and be with people, in person with people.
You know what I mean?
These are things that I'm right now thinking, "This is important to me, and
this is going to help my energy."
Yes. 100%.
This is going to ... Right? It's not just about ... And I think my
business, I was thinking about this the other day, I have put so much
pressure on my business to provide everything.
It provides all of my fun and my recreation and my pleasure and my
friendships. And I'm like, "But my business doesn't have to do everything."
Absolutely not. Right?
Why? Why?
Right. Good. Yes.
And I'm like, "Okay, that's enough. I'm taking the pressure off my
business. I'm going to go feed myself."
Yup. And then of course, what happens? Your business is going to grow from
that place and expand from that place because you're filling yourself up in
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, that's something I have to remember too. Like, "Oh, if I go to the
beach, it's helping my business." You know?
Yes, yes. And I spent so much time alone this past summer, and I'm like,
"That just didn't feed my energy." I need some alone time. I also need
in-person friend time.
So I know I just wanted to add that on with the line 4, because I just feel
like that is really something I find helps.
So anyways, oh, my goodness. What are you doing now? What kind of program
do you offer, or where can people find you? Tell us that kind of stuff.
Yeah, I have a mastermind. It's my one offer right now. It's so much fun. I
love it so much. I love the coaches in there. You came in and taught in
there. So yeah, I've got a mastermind for coaches who want to make their
first six figures or beyond, and doing it through intuition, through inner
work, learning manifestation. I teach a lot of manifestation, and of course
there's some Human Design stuff in there from you.
I'm at jamieberman.com and all my social media is Jamie Berman. I'm mostly
on Instagram. It's Jamie Berman, and then the underscore afterwards on
Instagram. That's where I hang out mostly.
Mm. Okay. All the little things we got to do, yes, on those little handles.
I know.
Awesome. Thank you Jamie, for joining me, and I look forward to seeing all
the things that you're going to create this next year.
I feel like we're coming to the end of the year, right?
Start thinking about the plans for next year.
Right? Once you see Halloween stuff, it's like, "Oh, yup, things are
It's the end of the year soon, so thank you so much for joining me.
Thank you.
If you enjoy listening to this podcast, please go subscribe so that you get
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there, please leave me a review and let me know what you think. So excited
to share this with you, and can't wait to talk to you next time. 'Bye.
