Sara Fisk is a former member of the LDS church. In today’s episode, she relays the story of her journey from fully embracing Mormonism, to slowly letting it go in light of 2 family members who came out as Gay.

Listen in to learn about some of the following:

  • What she was taught to believe about Gay people
  • Her realization once her brother-in-law came out as Gay
  • How she tried for years to make the Church work for her
  • What happened with her faith in the Church when her daughter came out
  • And more…

Sara Bybee Fisk is a coach, teacher, mom, wife, humanitarian and born again feminist. She helps women learn how to Stop People Pleasing in a simple, do-able way. You can learn more about her work at

If you are struggling with being a part of a religious institution, or have a gay child or family member and are trying to reconcile what the Church is teaching, you are not alone. Feel free to reach out to me at if you’d like to share your story.