OK, I realize the title of this email sounds wacky. Like, isn’t the reason I got married is because that other person is going to make me happy?
Since my son died in 2012 of suicide, I’ve had to examine all the different ways that I wasn’t feeling happy anymore. And, why that was.
I came to some conclusions that really helped me to start feeling better on my own, without waiting for my husband to do something.
I talk about that in today’s video.
Hope you are enjoying the last weeks of winter…
PS If you’d like to talk about ways you can start feeling better in your life right now, please signup for a free session with me at http://rebeccatervo.com/discovery-session/.
It would be wonderful to hear from you 🙂
My 18 year old son Sam took his life just 12 days ago.
The grief is unbearable and I know you understand and “get it”.
I’m half way through your book, thank you for sharing your story.
Thanks so much for reaching out during this difficult period in your life. I get it, and I’m here to listen. Please reach out after you have read the book. I’d really appreciate your feedback. Be patient and loving with yourself. You can survive this. I’m here on the walk with you…
I can’t know what that feels like. I do know the pain of wanting a child so badly and never being able to have one. I’m now 55 and totally alone. I read your comment and my chin began to quiver so violently and my heart hurt so badly for you. Like I said, I can’t know an inth of your pain, but my heart is with you and my prayers are for you. I wish there was s way I could take some of your pain and carry it for you. I would in a flash! I have no words other than I wish I had words that would give you a measure of comfort.