Last week, a fellow Mom told me “I just want peace again”.
I remember what that feeling was like after I first lost my son to suicide. That started me thinking about what peace really means.
The dictionary says peace means “freedom from disturbance, tranquility, calm, calmness”.
That certainly feels as if it’s impossible to find after you’ve experienced the suicide of a loved one.
In fact, as I was writing this, I thought about my son and how “unpeaceful” his mind would’ve had to be in order to carry out a suicide.
The opposite of peace is “noise, irritation, conflict”.
With this Mom I was talking to, she did not have peace because of the constant thoughts she had around the day her child died. And, of course, what she could’ve done differently.
This is what causes all the noise and conflict. Our thoughts.
Our brain can constantly harass us with thoughts that make us feel terrible all the time.
And, the constant noise in our head leads us to feeling irritated and have lots of conflict in our life.
I truly know that I had to process through the thoughts in order to find peace. I had to work with my coach to question everything I was thinking. And, I had to learn to think differently.
This answer may sound too simple. It is really what needs to be done. It’s not easy….but really worth it.
By clearing out all the noise in my head with my coach, I was able to truly decide what Trevor’s suicide meant for my life.
I was able to find healing and use Trevor’s suicide as something that happened for me in my life. As something that taught me a bunch of powerful lessons on how to live while I’m still living.
I was able to strengthen my spiritual faith, recommit to my marriage, change my career to the work I really wanted to do, publish 2 books, and connect with myself and who I wanted to show up as.
Now, any time I think of Trevor and his suicide, I don’t have noise and conflict.
I have peace.
I have love for Trevor.
I still feel the sadness sometimes. And I embrace it as a part of my life.
I know that the way I’m thinking is what causes either peace or conflict in my life.
If you are ready to figure out how to find peace for yourself, please go to this link and send me a quick message to say you’d like to setup a time to chat.
I can help you take the next step towards healing and peace. CLICK THIS LINK HERE