Projector Wisdom with Uma Girish

Projector Wisdom with Uma Girish

Uma Girish is a Spiritual Mentor for women who have experienced deep loss; she guides them to find the meaning in their loss so they can make the difference they came here to make.

Human Design Part 6: Your Life’s Work

Human Design Part 6: Your Life’s Work

The conscious sun in your Human Design chart shows where you are meant to lead. In today’s episode you will see how this major energy influences your life’s work.

Human Design Part 5: Your Energy Type

Human Design Part 5: Your Energy Type

Your type in Human Design tells you a lot about how your energy works.

By knowing your type, you will discover how to work in flow with your energy, rather than against it.

3 Steps to be More Authentic in Your Life

3 Steps to be More Authentic in Your Life

How authentically are you living? Do you feel supported in pursuing your dreams and passions? Rebecca will share some steps you can take to be more authentic in your life.

Human Design: Personality Part 2

Human Design: Personality Part 2

Wondering how your personality profile in Human Design portrays how you are designed to show up in the world? Grab your free Human Design chart at, find the 2nd number in your personality profile, and listen in!

Human Design Part 3: Personality

Human Design Part 3: Personality

Grab your free human design chart at and find the first number in your personality profile to listen along.

In today’s episode, Rebecca will talk about the mind side of your personality profile and what it means about the way you are designed to show up energetically in the world.