Thanksgiving After Your Child’s Suicide: Can you feel thankful?

Thanksgiving After Your Child’s Suicide: Can you feel thankful?

I've always believed Thanksgiving was celebrated to give us a day to be thankful for all we had. In our family, we got together to eat the traditional turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie with football on TV in the background. I didn't think much...
I Wish Freedom For You Too….

I Wish Freedom For You Too….

FREEDOM This word is everywhere at this time of year. I started to think about what it really means to me as a Mom who lost a son to suicide. First, I looked up the definition. According to Merriam-Webster: A quality or state of being free: such as  1. the absence of...
Holidays After Suicide Loss

Holidays After Suicide Loss

Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I know how tough the Holidays can be when you’ve lost someone. This is my sixth year without my son Trevor involved in our family traditions during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve found a way to find joy while...