Feeling Resentment over not getting the support you needed?

Feeling Resentment over not getting the support you needed?

As I was editing this video, I noticed my dog, Teddy in the background for most of the video:) I don’t think that’s happened before…but in case you are wondering…he is a Teddy Bear breed whose hair is very overgrown right now. He definitely...
Hopelessness and confusion

Hopelessness and confusion

Happy, chilly winter from Upper Michigan! I hope it’s warmer where you are…. Anyway, today I want to talk about hopelessness, confusion and how to FIND HOPE. Especially after you lose your child to suicide. I remember those years of dark grey that...
How I used EFT and Tapping to Help Me Through Grief

How I used EFT and Tapping to Help Me Through Grief

This Video is a demonstration of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which is also known as tapping. Please checkout my book which discusses how tapping helped me through the grief of losing my son to suicide: https://rebeccatervo.com/shattered-book/