My Vision for Helping Others

My Vision for Helping Others

I wanted to take time in this post to peel back the veil a bit by telling you a quick version of my background, why I am where I am right now, and what my vision is for helping others to find what they want and why they want it. I grew up in a fundamentalist religion....
Thoughts on the 8th Anniversary of Trevor’s Suicide

Thoughts on the 8th Anniversary of Trevor’s Suicide

Tomorrow (January 29, 2020) will be 8 years since Trevor died of suicide at the age of 17. As I’m writing this I’m thinking about how AMAZING my life has been and how many changes I’ve made in the past 8 years. I’d say the first 2-3 years I...
Thanksgiving After Your Child’s Suicide: Can you feel thankful?

Thanksgiving After Your Child’s Suicide: Can you feel thankful?

I've always believed Thanksgiving was celebrated to give us a day to be thankful for all we had. In our family, we got together to eat the traditional turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie with football on TV in the background. I didn't think much...

What to do with Criticism, and How I Experienced It Lately

Recently, I let some criticism get to me….and I decided to make a vulnerable video about it and what I learned from it. If you have criticism in your life, or someone is saying things to you that are making you feel hurt, this video will help. ...
The Similarities between My Personal Trainer and Life Coaching

The Similarities between My Personal Trainer and Life Coaching

The Decision Last month I decided to get serious about my health. I will be turning 50 next summer, and somehow that number really has me thinking about my future more than ever before. Who do I want to be in my 50’s and how do I want to feel in my body? So, I...
How I found Happiness Again after Trevor’s Suicide

How I found Happiness Again after Trevor’s Suicide

I was talking with a fellow Mom on her FREE call recently and noticed that she has this belief that has created a lot of misery in her life for the past several years The belief is “There’s no way I can possibly be happy again”. She’s not alone...