Surprising Physical Symptoms of Grief

Surprising Physical Symptoms of Grief

  Last week, a woman came to a free call with me to see how I could help her with her grief. The first thing she said was how shocked she was that her grief was “all-consuming” and she had “so many physical symptoms” after her son died....
Learn to Find the Answers Within

Learn to Find the Answers Within

Recently, I was asked to interview on Adam Nicholson's podcast. Adam works with coaches, healers and therapists to help them grow their businesses, so he felt my story about moving forward after the unexpected suicide of my son would be insightful to share with his...
Am I normal

Am I normal

I talked with a Mom on the phone last week who had lost her child to suicide and was feeling the overwhelm of spinning thoughts in her head. She asked me a question that I had thought over and over to myself for a while after Trevor died. That question was “Am I...
Crying in Public: the Good and the Bad

Crying in Public: the Good and the Bad

Today I wanted to be real. And talk about something that was difficult for me to deal with initially after Trevor died. Initially, I felt embarrassed about wearing my emotions in public constantly. And, I felt out of control sometimes because I wasn’t certain...
Hopelessness and confusion

Hopelessness and confusion

Happy, chilly winter from Upper Michigan! I hope it’s warmer where you are…. Anyway, today I want to talk about hopelessness, confusion and how to FIND HOPE. Especially after you lose your child to suicide. I remember those years of dark grey that...