How to deal with your feelings after your child died by suicide

How to deal with your feelings after your child died by suicide

Last week I talked about the 6th Anniversary of my son Trevor’s death. It was on January 29, 2018. I said that I have changed my life around using life coaching….and want to help others do the same by offering coaching myself. Today I’m talking about...
In Honor of Trevor and the 6th Anniversary of His Death…

In Honor of Trevor and the 6th Anniversary of His Death…

To honor Trevor’s life, I am running a book special through Monday, February 12 at 5 pm EST. Here’s the deal: You can get the ebook version FREE at this link. Feel free to pass this email on to anyone you feel could be helped by the book… I wrote it...
Holidays After Suicide Loss

Holidays After Suicide Loss

Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I know how tough the Holidays can be when you’ve lost someone. This is my sixth year without my son Trevor involved in our family traditions during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve found a way to find joy while...
Author Question and Answer

Author Question and Answer

In this Facebook Live I answered some questions that were asked by people who read my book about my journey through grief after my son’s suicide. Technical difficulties during the Facebook Live meant I got cutoff during the EFT/Tapping portion at the end. See...
Grief After Suicide Loss Year 1

Grief After Suicide Loss Year 1

I have often talked with people about what the first year is like after a suicide loss or sudden loss of someone we love.  In today's video I talk about some of the symptoms I felt during the first year after Trevor's suicide.  Also, I give a couple tips on what you...