I have often talked with people about what the first year is like after a suicide loss or sudden loss of someone we love. In today’s video I talk about some of the symptoms I felt during the first year after Trevor’s suicide. Also, I give a couple tips on what you as a family or friend of a suicide survivor can do to help out.
Thanks for providing suggestions on how friends can help and be proactive.
Yes, I think this information is needed for those struggling to know how to support Suicide survivors:)
Much of what you shared is VERY similar for other losses, as well. I agree with all of the struggles and suggestions even if it was for a non-suicide loss. But, a support group or just getting together and talking to others who have experienced the same type of loss is important. There are differences that only someone who “has been there” or is going through the same emotions would understand. I would also add that by asking for someone to listen, we aren’t asking for anyone to fix us or the situation. Just lending an ear or shoulder and handing us tissues to wipe our tears with no judgement is what is needed.
So true, Jackie. And thanks for pointing out that there is similarity in facing a loss in general. I found that when I attended Compassionate Friends’ meetings, none of the other parents had a loss to suicide but there was a common thread in the loneliness and the feeling that no one else understood. Having the listening ears was so helpful during that time.