I was talking with a fellow Mom on her FREE call recently and noticed that she has this belief that has created a lot of misery in her life for the past several years

The belief is “There’s no way I can possibly be happy again”.

She’s not alone in thinking this. Lots of other Moms come to me with the same thoughts.

I remember having that exact same thought after my son Trevor died of suicide.

My thinking was something like “I don’t know how I can live on without him….I don’t think happiness is possible for me….I hope I can just be here for my other kids….”

I want to share with you the evolution of my beliefs to get to where I am today.

Circumstance that happened: Trevor died of Suicide

  • Thought 1 “It’s impossible for me to ever be happy again”.
  • Thought 2 “I don’t think it’s possible, but I’d like to be happy again.”
  • Thought 3 “You know, I’m seeing that there are others that lost their child to suicide, and they seem to have happiness in their life”
  • Thought 4 “If they can find a way to some happiness, maybe I can too”
  • Thought 5 “It is possible that I can find happiness again”
  • Thought 6 “I am learning how to create happiness in my life and that feels good”
  • Thought 7 “I have so much happiness. I’m able to create the life I want to live even though Trevor isn’t here with me anymore. I’ll see him again someday. I choose to live my life until then”.

Notice that the thought didn’t switch immediately between “It’s impossible for me to every be happy again” to “I have so much happiness”.

It was a process over time.

I allowed myself to do the work.

I allowed my brain to marinate on the possibility that I too could figure out how to be happy again.

I didn’t force myself to find happiness. Instead, I took the time to get the support and coaching I needed to help me see why I was so miserable.

I peeled back the layers and saw the cause of all of my pain.  Then, started working to heal the pain.

As I started healing the pain, my brain became more confident that I could actually be happy.

This is what I do with my clients.

We start with where they are. What their beliefs are right now.

Then we look at where they want to be. There has to be a desire for change. 

After we know where they are and where they want to go….it’s just a process of finding all the in between layers to work on.

This is the most transformational work I’ve ever done in my life.

After I healed my grief…..I used it to help my marriage, my health, my parenting skills, my relationships and my business.

I’d love to offer this work for you too.

If you want to explore what could change for you, consider getting on a free call with me:) . I’d love to find out what you want, and why you feel like you are stuck where you are.

Go to this link to reach out and send a message to tell me you’d like to get on a call:
