After my son’s suicide in 2012 I was in all out VICTIM mode.
I really felt like the way I was feeling had to do with all the crazy stuff happening around me.
I blamed my husband, family, friends, the school, my job….anything and everything else was for sure the reason I was unhappy.
In today’s video, I talked about how to recognize when you are giving away your power to others for your unhappiness.
Rebecca, Right on, I am on the de clutter chapter…….. love it. A friend gave me your book… took a few days to get past page three. You are writing like have felt for this past year and no has said what I needed to hear. I guess now I am ready.
I will connect after I finish the book. I will also know a book to give to other moms I meet at the support group.
I am waiting for some help in the Joy department — but I miss my son, he was 41, 2 beautiful daughters and so much to live for and look forward to.\
Thank you for your sharing
Thanks for sharing that! The very reason I wrote the book is because no one was willing to share all of that with me either:) And I felt that the message of how we grieve suicide loss needed to be out there in a bigger way. I am looking forward to hearing about your experience when you finish the book. Thanks again…