I wanted to take time in this post to peel back the veil a bit by telling you a quick version of my background, why I am where I am right now, and what my vision is for helping others to find what they want and why they want it. I grew up in a fundamentalist religion....
FREEDOM This word is everywhere at this time of year. I started to think about what it really means to me as a Mom who lost a son to suicide. First, I looked up the definition. According to Merriam-Webster: A quality or state of being free: such as 1. the absence of...
A lot of my clients first come to me with questions about how to move through this grief. How to make something of this experience they are having, how to move forward. How to live on. What we do is start with the belief. Is it possible to find happiness after your...
“It feels like I’m betraying my child if I start to think about being happy again”. “I don’t deserve happiness”. These statement have been made by many of my clients in different ways during coaching sessions. And, it seems like the noble thing to think. It seems like...
Last week, a fellow Mom told me “I just want peace again”. I remember what that feeling was like after I first lost my son to suicide. That started me thinking about what peace really means. The dictionary says peace means “freedom from disturbance,...
“I still blame myself for my daughter/son’s depression”. Lately, I’ve been seeing this statement a lot in responses I’m getting from my audience. It seems to be the one thing that many Moms who’ve lost a child are still suffering...
Rebecca’s podcast, Beautifully Bloomed, has evolved since I was a guest in December 2020. What has remained consistent is her engaging, conversational style that invites the listener to hear her genuine curiosity about life. This is why I love listening. Love Rebecca!
December 26, 2021 by Stacy J. in U.P. from United States
Rebecca's podcasts are very inspiring and I always learn something from each of her podcasts. She always seems to pick topics that resonate with me at the perfect time. Rebecca has a knack for explaining things in easy to understand terms and gives relatable examples and how to implement these concepts into your life.. I always look forward to her next podcast.
This is my “me” time
January 26, 2021 by Jodireyno from United States
I enjoy getting to continue to learn with Rebecca. Her guests are a continuation of the work I want to do on myself.
So happy she is helping us and expanding her reach to others.
December 19, 2020 by Marissa Bishop from United States
Thank you for giving me the courage to be ok with some of the things that I think, that go against the grain. It’s a permission slip to be me and it feels great!
Seeking jam packed info on the quick?
December 19, 2020 by namrofe from United States
-Quick and to the point interviews/conversations.
-Human Design
-Paradigm Shifts
... oh my!
This podcast is a must if you’re an entrepreneur that is seeking alignment on a deeper level while also looking to create the life you want- on your terms!
I love it!!
You fully bloomed
December 19, 2020 by Yong Pratt from United States
When you’re ready to embrace the life you’re designed to live and break all the rules, you need Rebecca in your life! Get ready to grow and bloom into your most amazing self ✨
Life inspiring
December 19, 2020 by joan1204 from United States
This podcast has something to learn for everyone. Rebecca’s guests are authentic & really speak from their hearts on their life experience.
Connecting to who we are
December 18, 2020 by Calm&connected from United Kingdom
I like the concept of this podcast, helping coaches ‘bloom’ into who we are designed to be rather than to fight our nature. Looking forward to hearing more!
This work *not* optional!
December 17, 2020 by caryngillen.com from United States
Listen I’m so you can here so many ways to do “you” without the struggle and pain.
We are ready for you.
Thank you Rebecca for moving the conversation forward in such a fun way!
December 17, 2020 by k8farr from United States
I loved how the podcast talks about how to create my own rules to be an entrepreneur that's in alignment with how I want to show up in the world. Rebecca is so judgement-free with her approach. And I love the people she's interviewing. They're great examples of how to be who you were meant to be.