I Wish Freedom For You Too….

I Wish Freedom For You Too….

FREEDOM This word is everywhere at this time of year. I started to think about what it really means to me as a Mom who lost a son to suicide. First, I looked up the definition. According to Merriam-Webster: A quality or state of being free: such as  1. the absence of...
Day 21: Office is Functional!

Day 21: Office is Functional!

Quick intro if this is the first post you are seeing on this subject I’m writing about my year before I turn 50, which happens in June, 2020. I was inspired to make my own “bucket list” which was more about personal development and decluttering than...
Belief That Happiness Is Possible After a Suicide

Belief That Happiness Is Possible After a Suicide

A lot of my clients first come to me with questions about how to move through this grief. How to make something of this experience they are having, how to move forward. How to live on. What we do is start with the belief. Is it possible to find happiness after your...
Day 9: Started off on the Right Foot  {50th Year Journey Update}

Day 9: Started off on the Right Foot {50th Year Journey Update}

Quick intro if this is the first post you are seeing on this subject I’m writing about my year before I turn 50, which happens in June, 2020. I was inspired to make my own “bucket list” which was more about personal development and decluttering than...