The Similarities between My Personal Trainer and Life Coaching

The Similarities between My Personal Trainer and Life Coaching

The Decision Last month I decided to get serious about my health. I will be turning 50 next summer, and somehow that number really has me thinking about my future more than ever before. Who do I want to be in my 50’s and how do I want to feel in my body? So, I...
When You Smile on the Outside and Feel Angry on the Inside

When You Smile on the Outside and Feel Angry on the Inside

“I smile on the outside, but am miserable and angry on the inside.”   I repeat this quote to you, because it might sound familiar.   You may even be the one who has said this before.   Well, you aren’t alone. This comes up again and...
Are You A People Pleaser?

Are You A People Pleaser?

I am counting down until the release of my podcast on June 21! I'm so excited:)! Yesterday I had two separate clients in two separate sessions bring up the topic I talk about today. People pleasing can take such a huge toll on our life. Many times we don't even know...
It’s so unfair

It’s so unfair

Life sometimes just seems so unfair. Especially when your child dies. Or your daughter has cancer or your husband dies young. Or any of a number of other things we face in this life. So many times after Trevor died I had the overwhelming belief that life was unfair....
Tips on How to Find a Therapist During Those Early Grief Days…

Tips on How to Find a Therapist During Those Early Grief Days…

In our community, my husband and I get asked sometimes where to find a therapist, or who they should bring their child to see. I am open about the fact that our family sought therapy initially after Trevor died of suicide in 2012. We are open about the benefits of...

Life coaching vs therapy

As you may know, after my son died of suicide, my life was pretty “shattered” (hence the title of my book:)) I am grateful to myself for seeking help back then….otherwise I’m not sure I could be offering the type of help I offer now through my...